Chapter 39

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When we got home, my parents were out, they had sent me a massage saying they were going out for lunch.

I sat down on the couch and Jack jumped up onto my lap. I started petting him and eventually he fell asleep. I turned the TV on and it was on the news channel. aid course it was.

I decide to call the guy and tell him I'm not interested. I pull my phone and the piece if paper.

I dial his number and wait for an answer. He answered on the second ring.


"Hey, I'm Izzy, you gave me your number today at starbucks." I introduced myself.

"Oh, hey Izzy, I'm Luke. You denying or accepting my dinner request." He got straight to the point.

"I'm afraid I'm denying. I have a boyfriend." I told him.

"We could go as friends." He suggested.

"I'm sorry, I'm busy tonight." I lied.

"What about tomorrow?" He just can't take no for an answer can he?

"I'll think about it." I sighed.

"Thanks." He seemed happy. "Is your boyfriend some big buff guy who will basically beat the shit out of any male who looks at you."

"What if he is?" I asked. I'm actually not sure if he would, but I can scare this guy, right?

"Then we could not tell him about this friendship." He said and I panicked. Hell no! He is not saying I cheat on Niall, especially with a guy who is probably twice my age.

"What are you trying to say?" I snapped, probably a bit too harsh but if he's going to say what I think he is...He can go get stuffed.

"I'm just saying we don't have to tell him about this friendship." He chuckles.

"I'm right thanks. I'm probably half your age." I mumbled.

"Where is your boyfriend now then?" He asked.

I didn't say anything. I just hung up and turned my phone off.

I changes the channel, getting annoyed with with the stories I've heard a thousand times over. I settled on watching Iron Man.

When the movie was about over I heard the front door open and close. I couldn't see who it was, it's probably mum and dad returning home from lunch.

"Izzy! Where the hell are you?" A panting voice sounded from the doorway.

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