Chapter 41

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I quickly dialled Niall's number and waited for him to answer.




But there was no answer. I called again and again. But it was the same result everytime.

I walked back into the lounge and saw Han was on the phone.

"Yeah, thanks." She said and hung up.

"Perrie said she will call Zayn and tell Niall." She tells me.

"Thank you." I sigh.

We sat down, Han fed Jack for me as I waited for either of our phones to ring. Han sat back back down beside me and we waited.

And waited.

Eventually Han's phone rang. It was Perrie.

"Do you want to answer it?" She asked but I shook my head.

She nodded and slid her phone over the answer button on the screen. "Hey."

The phone call lasted about five minutes and Han didn't say much. She just mumbled yes or no or words of understanding. Until she finally said "Goodbye." and hung up.

"Okay." She turned to face me. "Zayn told her that Niall is extremely upset and he's like full on crying and Zayn showed Niall the photoshop and he noticed it, but he also didn't understand why someone did that, he said you must have pissed someone off or something happened between you and someone that would make them want to ruin your relationship with Niall."

"But I haven't done anything." I mumbled.

"What about that guy who gave you his number?" She asked. That's when it made sense, he was so desperate, he would have ruined us either way.

"I'll call him." I rushed to pick up my phone. He answered on the second ring.


"Why'd you do it?" I snapped.

"Do what?" He chuckled.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Do I now?" Why is he finding this funny.

"Yes, why'd you do that, why'd you put the photos up." I asked.

"Oh, that." He laughed. "It's my job. You see, that wouldn't have happened if you agreed to come with me."

He started laughing, I just hung up.

"Was it him?" Han asked and I nodded. She gave me a hug and tears started escaping my eyes.

"Call him back." Han said, her voice sounded happy, but not on the good way...She's up to something.

"Why?" I asked looking up at her.

"You're going to dinner with him." She smirked. "Kind of..."

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