Chapter: 3

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Anju's Perspective:

As I reclined in my train seat, gazing out the window, an intrusive disturbance from above captured my attention.

Inappropriately entangled in public, the couple above exchanged explicit dialogues, and the girl's moans filled the air, creating a repugnant atmosphere. Irritated by their brazen behavior, I felt compelled to address the situation.

Feeling the discomfort escalated as the train commenced its journey, I summoned the ticket collector. Politely, I requested a seat change due to the inappropriate activity above. The ticket collector, checking the scene, promptly escorted the couple away, their fate unknown to me.

Relieved by their departure, I contemplated, "This couple seems neither married nor in love, merely exploiting each other for physical gratification. Nevertheless, my focus lies elsewhere; I have more pressing matters at hand."

After a three-hour journey, I arrived at my destination—the orphanage. Welcomed by joyful girls, one little one expressed gratitude, saying, "Di, thank you so much for the gifts." I replied, "You're welcome, baby. It's my pleasure."

In the orphanage, they affectionately referred to me as "Di or Didi." Surprisingly, they didn't recall my real name. The joy on their faces was priceless, and the promise of four days of fun lay ahead.

Rahul's Perspective:

"Hey bhai, get up; it's 10 am now. No need to prepare or make arrangements for the sangeet," my sister Tanya proclaimed.

Exhausted from the ongoing marriage functions, I begrudgingly acknowledged the need to rise. Suppressing my fatigue, I mused, "Calm down, Rahul. This is for bro; just get up."

Tanya, with a mischievous grin, teased, "Bhai, are you getting up, or should I call Dad?"

"Okay, just chill," I replied.

"And bhai, your friend is waiting outside. Anyways, he looks cute and handsome," Tanya chuckled.

"Thinking of marrying him? Be doubly sure; he's a basketball champion like me," I teased.

"Never, you sweaty people. The smell, yuck, I hate you," she declared, making a bizarre face as she exited my bedroom.

Smiling, I proceeded with my morning routine and a refreshing shower. Quickly donning jeans and a T-shirt, I descended to meet Rohit, my bestie, waiting in the living room.

"Hey bro, how are you? It's been a month since we met," I greeted him, embracing our reunion.

Seated on the sofa, our planning and discussions for the sangeet commenced. Mom soon arrived with juice and snacks, and later, Tanya joined us to contribute.

"Hey guys, I'll be back," I announced, stepping outside as function decorators arrived with their materials.

Rohit's Perspective:

Having left Anju at the railway station, I arrived at Rahul's home. There, I spotted a girl in an orange gown, radiating beauty that seemed capable of piercing my heart.

Approaching me, she inquired, "Are you Rohit?"

Smiling, I confirmed, "Yup, and you're Miss Tanya Malhotra."

She responded with a grin, "Yeah, bhai is sleeping. I'll call him. By the way, you can call me Tanu; there is no need for formality with long names." With that, she strolled away with an attitude.

Raising an eyebrow, I silently acknowledged that her tactics wouldn't work on me. I settled into the living room, reading newspapers as I awaited Rahul's return. When he finally came, we exchanged warm greetings and delved into sangeet planning.

Later, Tanya joined us, adding snacks to our discussion. In the presence of my crush, her fragrance made me dizzy, and I couldn't help but ponder my feelings for her. Reminding myself to focus on the sangeet ceremony, I resisted the temptation to stare.

Following Rahul's departure to oversee decorators, Tanya and I found ourselves alone.

Silent for a moment, I mustered the courage to say, "Tanu, you look beautiful."

Tanu looked at me surprisingly, asking, "What?"

"I like you," I confessed, surprising both of us.

Fuming, she retorted, "Stop it. I don't like you. I'm tolerating you because you're Rahul's friend. Don't ever cross your limits."

On a serious note, I replied, "Hello, Miss Universe. Firstly, I haven't crossed any limits. Secondly, I was merely appreciating your looks. You're not Aishwarya Rai or Madhuri Dixit, for whom people would madly run behind. If you don't appreciate any compliments, you can express it simply."

We sat in silence, neither of us uttering a word. Her upset demeanor was palpable, and though I felt sorry, her words had left me with little choice. Despite the awkwardness, my feelings for her persisted.

"Hi, guys. Thanks for reading this chapter; I hope you liked it.

Introducing the Malhotra Family:

Rahul Malhotra - Protagonist, a basketball champion in college, renowned for good looks and outstanding intellect.

Tanya Malhotra - The youngest in the Malhotra family, Rahul and Raj's sister.

Raj Malhotra - Eldest son of the Malhotras, Rahul's role model.

Yash Malhotra - Raj, Rahul, and Tanya's father, owner of Malhotra Industries Ltd.

Sheetal Malhotra - Raj, Rahul, and Tanya's mother, a housewife with a love for fashion.

New Entrant:

Priya Saxena - Raj's love interest, soon to get married to Raj, a banker by profession.

Thank you all. Bye, take care."

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