Chapter: 10

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Rohit's Perspective

Seated on the basketball court stands, Tanu playfully inquired, "Rohit, are you nervous?" Her laughter echoed, creating a rhythmic ambiance.

"Yeah," I responded, maintaining eye contact with her, a subtle smile playing on my lips.

Amused, she giggled, enjoying the light banter.

Concern clouded my face as I scanned the surroundings for Anju, realizing she was nowhere in sight. Worry crept in, and I abruptly stood, initiating a search for her.

As the stands filled with enthusiastic college students, excitement for the upcoming match permeated the air. Amidst the crowd, I anxiously questioned my team members and Tanu, "Hey, guys, did you see my sister?"

Tanu, baffled by my sudden distress, queried, "Why are you getting worried? She must have gone to the washroom."

I dismissed her concerns with a curt "Nothing," my mind preoccupied with the growing worry. The stands became increasingly crowded, and my apprehension intensified. Where could Anju be? Why didn't she inform me? If that scoundrel Miraj spots her, it won't bode well. Please, wherever you are, come back, Anju.

Attempting to reach her through a phone call proved futile; she wasn't answering. Tanu's exclamation broke through my anxiety, "There she comes. Now stop worrying," pointing toward the entrance gate.

Relief washed over me as I spotted Anju making her way towards us, carrying a cold drink bottle and a bucket of popcorn. A sigh escaped me, and I eagerly waited for her to join us.

In a worried tone, I questioned, "Where were you? I was worried about you."

"Bhaii, I just went to the washroom. Just chill," she reassured me, pressing my shoulders comfortingly.

Rahul, patting my back from behind, added, "Just relax, man."

Anju, looking at us, shared, "I have news for you."

Curious, Rahul inquired, "What?"

"The referee is on the opposite team's side," Anju revealed, a hint of shock in her tone.

The revelation prompted a collective "What?!" from all of us. Rahul, maintaining his composure, calmly stated, "I knew that," his fists tightening.

Seeking clarification, I asked Anju, "How did you come to know?"

"While coming back from the washroom, I overheard some people talking to the referee and saw them bribing him," she explained.

Nervousness consumed me further. "We are going to lose if this continues. Why can't that scoundrel play with true sportsmanship, without cheating?" I vented my frustration.

Rahul, offering perspective, remarked, "Rohit, just stop being a crybaby. You know how he is. He can do anything to win. If that problem hadn't occurred, remember, we would have been directly selected for Inter-Collegiates."

Frustrated, I responded, "I know that. But do you think I am a crybaby?"

In unison, both Anju and Tanu affirmed, "Yes, you are."

Rahul, with a smile, added, "Well said." My teammates joined in the amusement sparked by our banter.

In the midst of this, I noticed Miraj's team arriving. Confused, I questioned, "Who are these people? They don't seem to be from our college."

Rahul explained, "These are his players, political goons."

Anju and I exchanged worried glances. "What?!" we exclaimed together.

Rahul elaborated, "I received information from an Arts student that Miraj will be appointing players adept at cheating. Moreover, these individuals operate under his father's influence."

I sighed, resting my hand on my head, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

Our coach signaled for us to gather. "Team, let's go. Best of luck, everyone," Rahul asserted, exuding a captain's confidence.

Anju's Perspective

Whispering into Rohit's ears, I conveyed, "Take care." He hugged me, then Tanu, before heading to the game.

Our Principal conducted the coin toss, determining that Miraj's team would play the offensive game first, while Rahul's team assumed the defensive position. The anticipation in the air was palpable.

Our Principal addressed the students, "Good evening, students. I wish the best of luck to both teams. The winning team will be selected for Inter-Collegiates. Play in the right spirit. Thank you." He settled into his chair alongside other professors near the stands.

The game unfolded in two sections, with Rahul's team on the right and Miraj's on the left. After half time, the teams would exchange sides, following the standard protocol for basketball matches.

With the whistle's blow, the game commenced, capturing the attention of the crowd. Tanu sat beside me as the spectators cheered for both teams. Excitement permeated the atmosphere as everyone awaited the unfolding events on the court.

It became apparent that this was not just a game but a fierce battle, a dangerous war played out on the basketball court. God bless Rahul and his team amid this intense struggle.

A sudden recollection of Rahul's cryptic words about a problem surfaced in my mind. Deciding to seek clarity, I turned to Tanu.

"Hey Tanu, Rahul mentioned some issue. What is it?"

Nonchalantly chewing gum, Tanu began, "Oh, that. Until last year, all departments were unified, meaning the best players were selected from each department to represent the college in Inter-Collegiates. Bhaii's team won most of the games last year, which didn't sit well with Miraj. Being a politician's son, he forced Balli to make changes. This time, the disagreement escalated, and Balli decided to determine a winner through this match."

Understanding the complexity of the situation, I questioned, "Okay, but why is Rahul against him? It seems like the problem is more significant than we can imagine."

Tanu explained, "When Balli declared this match, Miraj made a bet with Rahul. If Miraj wins, he gets supreme power over various student activities that Rahul currently oversees, and every student must obey him. On the other hand, if Rahul wins, Miraj has to cease all his criminal activities."

Shocked by the mention of criminal activities, I scolded myself internally. Anju, why are you surprised? You know he is a criminal.

Patting my forehead, I inquired, "What criminal activities?"

Tanu disclosed, "He's involved in numerous molestation cases in the college. A girl died because of him last year. The exact details are unclear. Additionally, he's implicated in drug cases."

"If he is such a notorious criminal, why hasn't he been expelled from the college?" I voiced my concern.

Tanu responded, "Anju, no one has concrete evidence. How do you trap him? It's all hearsay. The truth is known only to that scoundrel and his accomplices."

As the intense game unfolded, the score stood at Arts - 4 and Commerce - 2.

Tanu's sudden ire caught my attention. "Why is that person coming here?" she fumed, glancing at someone in the distance.

Curious, I inquired, "Who?"

"Tina Merchant, the seductress," Tanu pointed out.

The charged atmosphere of the game continued, overshadowed by the lingering uncertainty surrounding Miraj's actions and the unfolding drama off the court.

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