Chapter: 22

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After a few days...

Anju's POV

Khan uncle inquired, "How are you, son?" while affectionately caressing my head.

I replied, "I am fine, uncle. Was waiting for you for so long."

Apologizing, Khan uncle explained, "Sorry, son. I was a little occupied with meetings and recent cases."

Understandingly, I said, "It's Okay, uncle. I understand."

Mizu interjected, "Anyways, we should discuss the case now. What's the plan? We need to gather evidence against Miraj."

Rohit concurred, "You're right. Miraj is dangerous."

Khan uncle addressed the matter, "As far as the case is concerned, right now we have CCTV footage of Miraj harassing Anju, as well as Anju's statement."

Dad expressed doubt, "But I don't think that's enough to prove that he committed a crime."

Bade papa supported him.

Khan uncle considered, "You are right, my friend. We need strong evidence against him. I am sure he is not alone. There must be his aides with him."

I added, "Yes, that day he was not alone."

Khan uncle requested, "Anju, can you once again explain to me in detail what exactly happened that day? Just in case if I get some clue."

I complied, saying, "Okay."


Incident day...

I woke up at 7 in the morning, prepared for my industrial visit, opting for a long skirt and a formal solid shirt.

My classmates, already on the bus, prompted me to hurry. I quickly got ready and went down to board the bus. Our college in Delhi had an industrial visit scheduled in Gurgaon, making it a long journey. As we enjoyed the trip, little did we know it would take a horrifying turn.

After a few hours, we reached one of the biggest industries in Gurgaon. Following formal introductions, we were given insights into the company and its productions. Later, inside the factory, we marveled at different types of machines and their features, relishing the time spent.

In the evening, I went to the washroom. Upon my return, I discovered that my bus had left without me. The security person informed me, suggesting I catch a public bus to Delhi. Waiting at a nearby bus stop, I encountered a group of guys, including Miraj, who were drunk and began harassing me. Unable to do anything, I ran, and they pursued in their jeep. The ordeal was terrifying, and I sustained injuries, twisting my leg in the process.

After covering some distance, a car stopped beside me. Miraj and his group were nowhere to be seen. Grateful for the rescue, I accepted the lift from a man and a woman. I narrated my harrowing experience, and they became my instant friends. However, our journey took an unexpected turn as we encountered fog and witnessed a car accident due to which we had to change our route. Unfortunately, our car was hit from behind, and we were thrown out. Seeing Miraj and his group checking on us, I understood they were responsible. Soon after, I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, my family was by my side. I learned that my friends were injured, some in a coma, and a couple in the car were dead. Distraught, Dad brought me back home, and after months of recovery, I joined my brother's college in Mumbai.

-------------------Flashback Over----------------

Khan uncle reflected, "Okay. For security reasons, I had to shift you three to Chennai so that Miraj and his father wouldn't discover your whereabouts. Do you remember your friends' names or details?"

I admitted, "No, uncle. Actually, I forgot to ask them. Didn't you find anything in the car?"

Khan uncle regretfully shared, "No, dear. The car was fully destroyed. We couldn't trace anything."

Mizu exclaimed, "Such a disgusting person. What should be done so that he confesses his crime?"

Rohit suggested, "I think a sting operation would be the best."

Khan uncle pondered, "Not a bad idea. But who can do such a risky job?"

I volunteered, "I will do that."

Mizu objected, "Have you gone mad? You have already confronted him. He won't trust you. Whoever does this job should be cunning enough."

I quipped, "Oh, so I think that cunning person is you."

Mizu, surprised, asked, "Me?"

I affirmed, "Yes, you are an actor. You know all the camera tricks because of your drama. And the most important thing is, you both are from the same department. You both can easily mingle."

Khan Uncle laughed and remarked, "Good job, son. After all, I wanted him to be in the police. He is a good candidate. Mizu, just do it. Let me check your capability so that I can recruit you as a police officer."

Mizu resisted, "Dad, no. I don't want to be a police officer. I can do this for Anju. She is one of my best friends. I will help her out."

Khan uncle continued laughing.

Rohit inquired, "So what is the plan?"

Mizu explained, "The first plan is, I have to become his friend."

I winked, saying, "Best of luck, Mizu. And thanks for helping me out."

Mizu smiled and hugged me, saying, "Anything for you, dear."


Thanks for your patience.. and waiting for the updates.. It means a lot..

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.. Do vote, share and comment..

Bye. Tc.. Will be back soon with the next chapter..

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