Chapter: 17

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The following day dawned, and I found myself standing near my balcony, fixating my gaze on the pole by the roadside. Holidays, meant for relaxation and enjoyment, were overshadowed by the somber events of the previous day. Rahul, my thoughts circled around him, his well-being marred by Miraj's ruthless actions.

"Why, Miraj? Why are you causing such upheaval in everyone's life? What has Rahul done to deserve such harm?" I mused aloud, my contemplations echoing in the quietude of my surroundings.

Abruptly, a throat was cleared behind me, and a resonant voice intoned, "Do you harbor affections for Rahul?"

Startled, I turned to find Rohit standing there, my initial response faltering. "No," I corrected myself, "Nothing of that sort. He is merely a good person with a kind heart."

Rohit, with a discerning gaze, remarked, "Anju, the way you are reacting suggests a deeper sentiment. It seems like you might be... in love with Rahul."

"No way," I asserted, attempting to downplay any such emotions. "I am worried because he is a good friend."

Rohit, unperturbed, remarked, "You've known him for a mere two days, and yet he's already a good friend? Impossible! As far as I know him, he takes considerable time to forge friendships. So, tell me honestly, do you have feelings for him?"

"No, he is just a friend," I replied, brushing off his insinuations.

"Anju, be clear with your sentiments. It appears that your inner self is wrestling with conflicting emotions," Rohit advised sagely.

"Why do you think so?" I asked, curious about his perspective.

Rohit divulged, "Even I am in love with Tanu. If something happens to me, she reacts in the same way as you are reacting now. I, too, experience the same. It is a natural inclination in love to worry for the other partner."

"Just forget it," I dismissed, rolling my eyes.

Meanwhile, Rohit's phone rang, and I, feigning disinterest, inquired, "Who called you?"

"Tanu," Rohit replied, scrolling through his phone.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I pressed on, "Oh! So how is Rahul? Is he fine? What about his injury? Is he in pain?"

Rohit, rolling his eyes at my barrage of questions, retorted, "Just chill. Too many questions."

I beseeched, "Please tell me. What did she say?"

"Nothing much. Rahul and Tanu are going to Lovers Point as per Rahul's wish. He needs some fresh air to relax. That's it," Rohit disclosed.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Are you going?"

"I want to, but as you know, Khan uncle will be here today, so I said 'No,'" Rohit explained.

"Okay. And what about Rahul? Is he fine?" I persisted.

Rohit approached me and remarked, "Dear, your eyes reflect a certain attraction to him."

Stunned by his comment, I was rendered momentarily speechless.

He continued, "I don't want to know whether you love him or not, but it would be nice if you could be true to yourself. By the way, he is fine."

His words lingered in my mind as I remained silent. Before I could respond, Rohit exited my bedroom.

Closing my eyes, the first thing that surfaced was the recurring dream of someone embracing me from behind. I knew I didn't love Rahul, but Rohit's observation had struck a chord. Was I attracted to him, or was it merely a concern for a friend?

After a while, Rohit returned and asked, "Would you accompany me to Lovers Point?"

"Sure, but what about Khan Uncle?" I inquired.

"Khan uncle is busy with some meeting. He said he will come tomorrow," Rohit informed.

"Okay, let's go," I agreed.

An hour later, we arrived at Lovers Point.

I had donned my usual jeans, t-shirt, and cap to avoid recognition. The place was enchanting, nestled in hilly terrain with beautiful flowers and colorful lamps adorning the surroundings. Couples wandered about, lost in their own world.

I remarked, "Bhai, it's a beautiful place. I like it. I'd prefer to be alone; you can meet Tanu and Rahul later."

"Are you sure?" Rohit questioned.

"Yeah," I affirmed.

Rohit wandered off, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The night had fallen, and the colorful lamps cast a magical glow, creating a romantic ambiance. Couples around me engaged in cuddling and kissing, making it an ideal spot for lovers.

"Do I really like Rahul?" The question reverberated in my mind, and I closed my eyes in search of an answer.

A sudden shout interrupted my introspection. I had inadvertently bumped into someone. Apologizing profusely, I realized it was Rahul.

"I am so sorry. I didn't see you. It's so dark here, and I'm really sorry," I pleaded.

"It's okay," replied the stranger.

Recognizing the voice, I queried, "Rahul, is it you?"

"Yeah," he responded.

We stood in silence for a moment, and I suggested, "Shall we find somewhere to sit?"

"Sure, there's a place we can go," Rahul agreed.

"Okay. Where's Rohit and Tanu?" I inquired.

Chuckling, Rahul responded, "Anju, this is Lovers Point. Couples come here to spend time with each other."

"Oh! So why are you here?" I probed further.

"To spend some time with my 'girlfriend,'" Rahul disclosed, a mysterious twinkle in his eyes.

"May I know who she is?" I asked.

"It's not a person; it's just a thing—my lucky charm," Rahul explained.

"Okay," I acknowledged.

"Why are you here?" Rahul turned the question back to me.

"Rohit asked me to accompany him," I replied.

"Oh!" Rahul remarked.

Rahul's presence made me feel vulnerable, as if I sought his support. I was still grappling with the question: Did I really like him?

Rahul's Perspective

Anjali... she is a puzzle. I know I am here to spend time with my bracelet, my lucky charm, but there's a peculiar attraction I feel towards her. When I close my eyes, it's her I imagine kissing. This isn't right. Instead of overthinking, I should just ask her directly. Yeah, that would be the right thing to do.

Hii frnds

I am so sorry that I am updating after a month.. I am lil busy with something important.. Hope you liked this chapter..

N Belated Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all my readers...

Thanks.. bye..

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