Chapter: 30

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Rahul's POV

I woke up early in the morning and decided to take a small walk. The surroundings were beautiful, filled with lush greenery and vibrant flowers. The garden outside Snehalaya was impeccably maintained, showcasing a variety of rare flowers that added to its beauty.

The hotel staff delivered my baggage, and after freshening up, I spent some quality time with the girls before they left for school and college. We chatted about their studies, likes, and dislikes, creating a warm atmosphere. After their departure, Arjun arrived, and I handed over the donation cheque to Maria for the girls' education.

In the afternoon, Arjun and I left for Satara. Upon reaching the Satara railway station at night, Arjun departed for Mumbai. I waited for almost six hours to board an express train where my college friends had already boarded. I was eager to meet Rohit and, more importantly, Anjali. The entire night, I couldn't sleep, my thoughts consumed by her.

Anjali, why are you so nice? I know people might think I'm a fool for constantly thinking about a "nerd," but I've never felt this way before. You are incredible. I've often wondered how it would be if you weren't a tomboy, if you were a simple girl. You would have been even more vivacious, but I wouldn't want you to change. If you did, the kindness in your heart might disappear, and I don't want to lose that. Anjali, I'm eagerly awaiting your answer. I hope you love me too.

Around 5 in the morning, the train reached Satara railway station. I boarded the train, and I saw Veeren heading towards the washroom.

I called out, "Hey Veeren, where is our group?"

Veeren was surprised to see me and asked, "Hey dude, how come you're here? Weren't you supposed to come later?"

Not wanting to reveal the true reason, I replied, "Just a change in plans."

He accepted it with a simple "Okay."

I suggested, "Come, let's go."

Veeren guided me to the seats where our group was sleeping. I casually inquired, "Has Anju come?"

Veeren replied, "Yeah, the girls' group coach is far."

Curious, I asked, "Was she fine today? Any difference in her behavior?"

Veeren assured, "No, she was fine as usual. I think she was even happier today."

My anger flared up. It meant that Rohit was just joking.

I exclaimed, "I knew he was joking. I will kill Rohit today."

Veeren was confused and asked, "What happened?"

I yelled, "Nothing. Where is Rohit?"

He pointed towards one of the seats, and I saw Rohit peacefully sleeping. I felt the urge to kick him. I grabbed his collar, dragged him near the door, and, with the train in motion, he pleaded for me to stop. But I was in no mood to listen. I hit him until he begged me to stop.

Other friends intervened and stopped the commotion. They asked, "Why are you hitting him?"

I retorted, "It's none of your business. I want to talk to him. Leave us alone."

Veeren asked cautiously, "But what if you hit him again?"

Rohit, in pain, said, "Leave yaa. It's nothing. You all go. Let him say what he wants to."

The others went back to their seats, and I looked out of the door for a while. Rohit started laughing, and I joined in. Our group watched, probably thinking we were mad.

After a while, I asked Rohit, "Why did you do this?"

Rohit explained, "Because I wanted to test you. I was curious to know how much you love my sister."

I said, "You should not have tested me. You know me, so what's the use of testing? I was hell worried. I can't imagine... those 30 hours were like hell."

Rohit said, "But you managed to board the same train. That's cool, yaa. I didn't expect that."

I sighed, "All thanks to Arjun, one of our employees. If he hadn't come to Mahabaleshwar, I wouldn't have reached here and boarded this train."

Rohit said, "So you were in Mahabaleshwar for official work."

I confirmed, "Yeah."

Rohit said, "But I'm upset. Why didn't you inform me about this development? I mean, that you love Anjali. You know, when I was about to propose to Tanu, I informed you first. That's not fair. You should have told me."

I apologized, "I'm sorry. I thought about letting you know, but on that Valentine's night when Anjali asked if I had something to say, I just said what I felt. It was spontaneous and not planned. I couldn't help it."

Rohit said, "Anyways, it's okay. The past is past. Let's celebrate the present and the upcoming future."

We both smiled and hugged each other, then returned to our seats. Everyone was staring at us.

Veeren, in a serious tone, asked, "Has the fight ended?"

Rohit replied, "We didn't fight. We were just playing, but my shoulders are paining badly."

I said, "Don't worry; I will give you a massage."

I playfully punched his shoulder, and he groaned in pain. Everyone burst into laughter.

I took a window seat, looking outside, but my thoughts were occupied by Anjali. I was excited to meet her. Rohit sat beside me and whispered, "Don't ever think that we will be able to meet our partners. Our professors have played a dirty game by separating girls from boys. We are under watch every now and then."

Shocked, I exclaimed, "What the heck! When did this happen?"

Rohit said, "Yesterday at Dadar railway station, the instructions were given. I think it was already planned."

I assured him, "Don't worry; we will meet our girls in Mysore then. I will think about a plan. But I have to get an answer from her. I know that you know her answer, but still..."

Rohit understood what I meant, and we both winked and smiled at each other.


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Bye Tc..

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