Chapter: 46

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On a random day...

Rahul's POV

"These meetings... they're getting worse day by day with no solutions," I lamented.

Raj bhai consoled, "It is okay, dear. These are part and parcel of the business."

I sighed, "Yeah, but I want to end this. Everything is confusing me."

Bhai said, "I don't think these meetings are confusing in any sense. Our clients are examining us, and we need to prove at each interval that we are the best."

I disagreed, "I know that."

Bhaii observed, "I think your mind is not stable. Are you in any worry?"

Fearful that bhaii might read my mind regarding Anjali, I hastily replied, "Nope, nothing. I think I am tired of continuous work."

Bhaii remarked, "That can be seen."

Just then, the phone rang. I excused myself to freshen up in the washroom, and bhaii took the call.

After 5 minutes, I returned from the washroom.

Bhaii informed, "There is a problem."

I inquired, "What?"

Bhaii continued, "You remember one of our clients who is involved in a scam."

I recalled, "Yeah, so?"

Bhaii said, "Cops want to ask a few questions about them, and you have to meet them. Since I haven't worked with those people, I don't know much about it. Could you just meet them and clarify their queries?"

I agreed, "Okay, sure."

Bhaii cautioned, "Take care; you know how cops are. They will confuse you with every question."

I assured, "Don't worry, I will take care. Where do I have to meet the cops?"

Bhaii instructed, "Mr. Mirza at CCD in Bandra."

I responded, "Okay, I shall get going."

He nodded.

I reached CCD after an hour, asking one of the staff about Mr. Mirza. The staff directed me to the most corner table, where I saw a guy in a black hoodie jacket. I recognized him as the same guy who had met Anjali several times.

I was astonished to know that he was a cop. Anjali's selection was not bad after all, and I felt a sudden anger that because of him, Anjali could not come into my life.

I greeted him, "Mr. Mirza, hello," extending my hand for a shake.

Mirza shook my hand and greeted, "Hello, please take a seat."

I sat opposite him.

Mirza said, "It's nice meeting you."

I replied, "Same here. Can you please let me know what you had to ask me?"

Mirza responded, "I had been waiting to meet you for years. Anyways, nothing much. Just need some details about your work relationship with that client."

Amused by his statement, I remarked, "If you just wanted to know this, we could have sent you the required file."

I asked in frustration, "Why did you want to meet me? What do you want?"

Mirza asked, "What is the problem you have with Anjali?"

I retorted, "It's none of your business," attempting to get up.

Mirza grabbed my hand and asserted, "You are not going anywhere until I ask you to."

I responded with anger, "You can't force me."

Mirza said, "I can. After all, I am a cop. You are not leaving until I get all my answers."

Frustrated, I agreed, "Fine, ask."

He repeated his previous question, "What is your problem with Anjali?"

I stated, "I don't have any problem with Anjali. I am just angry because she rejected me when I proposed to her."

Mirza probed, "That's it? I don't think this is a complete answer."

I clarified, "She rejected me because of you. She was always with you even when we were in college. I have seen you many times lingering around her—on Valentine's Day, during the Mysore trip, and even on Rohit and Tanu's engagement day."

Mirza laughed.

I said, "Why are you laughing? She cheated me. She could have told me when I proposed, but she didn't. She betrayed me."

Mirza's expression changed.

He said, "You are the biggest fool I have ever seen."

I asked with amusement, "What? Have you lost it?"

He responded, "I think you have lost it. You are such a fool. You didn't even try to know what was happening all around you. So many things happened, and you just don't know."

I was confused now. I asked, "What are you trying to say?"

He asked with surprise, "Really, you didn't understand? Are you trying to fool me, or are you a big fool?"

I asked, "Are you trying to tell me that she is not your girlfriend?"

Mirza laughed.

He said, "How can a sister become a girlfriend?"

I asked, "What?"

He said, "It is true that my dad wanted me to get married to her, but we considered each other as brother and sister. We are childhood best friends. By the way, I am Mannat's husband, not Anjali's boyfriend."

I was in a state of shock.


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