Chapter: 11

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Anju's Perspective

Tina Merchant, the self-proclaimed seductress, sauntered into view, a vision of arrogance. Observing her with Tanu, I couldn't help but engage in a sardonic assessment.

"By the way, from which side...?" I chuckled, whispering in Tanu's ear. Our shared amusement broke the tension.

Approaching us, Tina greeted, "Hey, my sweet sis-in-law. Hope you are enjoying your time."

Tanu, incensed, retorted, "You, don't address me as your sister-in-law. Anyways, bhaii doesn't love you. Even if he does, I won't allow you to ruin his life."

Tina, undeterred, caressed Tanu's cheek. "Dear, don't worry. I will handle both of you."

Tanu's anger flared, and she seized Tina's wrist, attempting a forceful twist. "Don't touch me with your disgusting hands. I will break it. You are not more than a... a wretched individual to me."

In reaction, Tina yanked her hand away from Tanu's grasp. "You... leave me. I said, leave me."

Stepping in between the brewing conflict, I intervened. "Hey, don't fight. The match is going on, and fighting is not a good idea, I guess."

Massaging her wrist, Tina, in anger towards me, retorted, "You nerdy girl. Just shut up and mind your own business."

Unfazed, I quipped, "Just chill, baby."

Tina, recognizing me, sneered, "Oh, you are the same girl who was jumping on Rohit this afternoon. So, Rohit is done with you, Tanu, I guess," with a smirk.

Fed up with her unwarranted comments, I decided to put an end to it.

"This is too much. Without knowing people's relations, how can she say things like that?" I remarked.

Addressing Tina, I said, "Dear Tina, Rohit is not the type of guy who dates two at a time. I am his sister. Anyways, leave about me. I heard you are a seductress," adding a smirk for emphasis.

Tina, in a fit of anger, responded, "I know who said this about me to you," glaring at Tanu. "I don't have to be a seductress. People automatically get seduced by my beauty. That's why they try to catch a glimpse of me," she proclaimed with an air of superiority.

I couldn't resist a chuckle. "Are you some Miss Universe? I wonder why people have so much time to waste on you. I think you're more like a joker with heavy makeup and, yes, akin to a B-grade porn actress. Your choice of attire certainly suggests that," I remarked, unapologetically.

Tanu joined in the amusement. Tina, seething with rage, threatened, "You... I won't leave you."

Nonchalantly, I replied, "We will see, baby. Now, you can get lost."

Tina stormed away in anger, leaving Tanu relieved.

Tanu expressed her gratitude, "Thanks, Anju. You were amazing. For the first time, I feel like we're winning. Now, there's someone who can handle this... this individual."

I reassured her, "Anytime, dear," punctuating it with a playful wink.

The match's score at that point was Arts - 6, Commerce - 6, a testament to the fierce competition. However, the atmosphere took a turn for the worse when Balli inexplicably left with someone.

Suddenly, the game became ugly. Miraj's team played ruthlessly, stomping on Rahul's team members' feet and landing brutal hits. The referee seemed disinterested in calling fouls, and the match descended into chaos, just as everyone had anticipated.

Amidst the chaos, Veeren suffered a hit, blood oozing from his mouth. Tanu and I rushed to his side, expressing concern.

"Veeren, are you fine? I think you need first aid," I inquired, genuinely worried.

Veeren, grimacing in pain, replied, "It's okay, Anjali. Please ask Sanjeev to go."

I informed him, "Sanjeev has already gone to play."

In pain, Veeren requested, "Just give me some water. I'll be fine."

Tanu promptly handed him a water bottle. The coach arrived with a doctor to attend to Veeren's injuries.

Coach remarked, "This game is getting cruel."

Seeking to offer reassurance, I said, "Don't worry, coach. Everything will be fine."

Observing Miraj's team reveling in our team members' pain was disheartening. Their sadistic enjoyment was turning the match into a nightmare. Meanwhile, our team's score began to soar rapidly. Their main tactic involved hitting our players and then aiming for the basket. The referee, unfortunately, seemed to have aligned himself with their cause.

Noticing Balli's absence, it became clear why the opposition was resorting to such underhanded tactics.

Concerned about the escalating injuries, I approached the coach, inquiring, "Sir, where is the Principal?"

The coach informed me, "He had an urgent meeting with the Trustees. He had to leave."

Sanjeev was the next casualty, injured to the extent that he couldn't walk. Rohit, showing immense strength, carried him back to us.

Looking at Rohit with a mixture of pain and admiration, I said, "Rohit..."

He glanced at me, conveying a shared understanding, and went back to continue playing.

Next in line was Palash, forced to leave the match due to injuries. As Veeren returned to the game, the situation became dire. If any more players left, we'd be left without substitutes, and Arts would emerge victorious.

Panic set in, and coach seemed to lose hope. Spectators, who had been cheering for Rahul's team, found their hope dwindling. Everyone, except Miraj and his cohorts, wore a crestfallen expression, realizing the game was slipping away.

Tanu, overwhelmed with emotion, cried at the sight of our team members in pain. Offering what comfort I could, I said, "We have time, dear. Don't worry. They will make it up."

It was a helpless feeling, not knowing how to comfort her. Tanu poured her heart out, expressing a sentiment that resonated with each of us. "Even if our team loses, I don't mind. But Rahul and Rohit should be safe. I can't live without them. I love both of them very much."

I embraced her, offering a silent reassurance. "Don't worry, dear."

Rahul and Rohit valiantly fought to stay in the game, enduring brutal beatings from the opposition. Unable to bear witness any longer, I grappled with the anguish. A surge of helplessness enveloped me. How could I save them? The sight of our team members getting injured, Miraj's team reveling in their pain—something had to change.

Seeking a solution, I asked Rohit, "Rohit, is there anything we can do to stop them?"

Rohit, his tone heavy with despair, responded, "No, dear."

Rahul, attempting to maintain morale, spoke up, "Thanks for the support. We have made a pretty good score even with their numerous cheating attempts. Keep playing in the same spirit."

Rohit added, "But, Rahul, we can't play. We don't have substitutes. Three of our players are injured by now. Nikhil is also badly hurt. He can't play."

Frustration and desperation loomed over us. Miraj, seizing the opportunity, approached with a mocking tone, "Hey, dude. I guess you've lost the match. You don't have substitutes left."

Rahul, his anger barely contained, retorted, "Mind your own business. We will manage."

Miraj, smirking, taunted, "Oops! Angry young man." His cohorts joined in the laughter.

Observing the futile situation, I suggested to Rahul, "Rahul, leave. They are just a waste of time."

Rahul, weighed down by the predicament, lamented, "Yeah, but who will be the substitute? From where will we get substitutes?"

Tension hung thick in the air as we grappled with the realization that Arts might secure an unchallenged victory. The half-time score stood at Arts - 26, Commerce - 10, and the outlook seemed bleak for Rahul's team. It was a pivotal moment, and the question lingered: how could we turn the tide in our favor?

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