Chapter: 33

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After two days

Rahul's POV

The last few days have turned my life upside down. College lost its charm, and the fun ceased to exist without Anjali by my side. I found myself sitting alone in the college canteen, reminiscing about the days when Anjali was my source of joy. In these two weeks, I fell in love with a girl named Anjali, fantasizing about numerous delightful moments and envisioning a life together. All those dreams shattered with her inexplicable betrayal. Gratitude towards my parents, who emphasized the importance of living in reality, saved me from drowning in the sorrow of rejection. Moving forward became my priority, and I hoped to concentrate on my studies. After my exams, I planned to join my dad's office and contribute to the family business.

But wait, I had forgotten about Tina in my solitude. I hoped she was alright.

I grabbed my phone, dialed her number, and listened as it rang.

Tina answered, "Hello."

I greeted, "Hi, Tina. How are you?"

Tina replied, "I am fine. I'm so happy you called me."

I suggested, "Can we meet?"

Excitement filled Tina's voice, "Yeah! I'm in the college."

"Great. I'm in the canteen. Come here," I said.

"Sure." The call ended.

After about 5 minutes, Tina arrived, waving at me. I reciprocated with a wave.

"I'm happy you're fine and cheerful," I expressed.

Tina responded, "Yeah. At least they have been punished. I am fine and safe."

I echoed, "Yeah."

Tina inquired, "How about you and Anjali?"

A wave of sadness washed over me when she mentioned Anjali. "Nothing much. She is busy in her life, and I am busy in mine."

Tina pressed, "What does that mean? Is everything well between both of you? Are you not together?"

I replied with a lump in my throat, "Yep, we are not together. She doesn't want me in her life."

"I can't believe that one of the most handsome guys in the college has got rejected by a nerd. I am sorry to say that," Tina remarked.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I responded, "I don't want to comment on it."

Tina continued, "What can be expected from that crazy girl!"

I urged, "Leave it, Tina."

She insisted, "Rahul, in that case, can I get a chance? You know that I love you so much. Will you be able to love me? I don't know what to say, but I really need you in my life. I want to be a part of your life. I love you so much, Rahul."

I contemplated the unexpected proposal and replied, "Well, I have never thought about you like that, but you are one of my good friends. I will think about it."

Tina jumped with excitement and hugged me.

Suddenly, Rohit appeared with our group, looking confused. Tina spilled the news with enthusiasm, "Rahul will think about loving me. Yippie!"

Tina turned to me, "Hey Rahul, I need to go. Will meet you tomorrow." She kissed me on my cheeks.

Rohit, still perplexed, asked, "What did she say?"

I said, "Nothing. Just... You say, where is Anjali and Tanu? Are they both in the lectures?"

Rohit answered, "Tanu will come back in a minute. Anjali didn't come; she was not feeling well."

I responded, "Okay. What happened?" I asked for formality so that Rohit wouldn't sense anything fishy.

Rohit explained, "Just a headache."

"Okay," I said, and in a hurry, I left.

I drove to Dad's Office for some important work. After a few kilometers, at a signal, I spotted Anjali with that black-hooded person, enjoying coffee at a shop.

This deceitful girl! She lied to her own brother, claiming she wasn't feeling well, just to meet this guy. No wonder Tina and Tanu were right about her. Anjali, you could have told me on Valentine's Day when I proposed to you. My life would not have been messed up like this. I can't believe I loved a girl like you. Screw it! I need to concentrate on my work and leave her behind.

I left for the office.

Rohit's POV

What is exactly going on? At home, Anjali is sad. Here, he is sad. And what is the matter with Tina? Why is she jumping like a maniac? I have to find out.

I called Palash.

I said, "Hey, can you please tell Tanu that I am leaving due to some urgency?"

Palash replied, "Yeah, sure."

I said, "Also, let her know that Rahul has left for the office."

Palash responded, "Okay, sure."

I said, "I will message her anyway. Okay, dude? Bye."

Palash said, "Bye."

I quickly messaged Tanu that I was leaving due to some urgency.

I called Anjali.

I asked, "Hey, hi. Where are you?"

Anjali said, "Bhai, I am with Mizu at a coffee shop."

I said, "Okay. Do one thing. I will pick you up. Message me the address. I want to talk to you."

Anjali said, "Okay. But Mizu has to discuss something."

I said, "Ask him also to come."

Anjali said, "Okay." The call ended.

I unlocked my car to sit in the driver's seat. Mannat called me from behind.

Mannat said, "Hey Rohit. Can you drop me at the coffee shop? I had to meet Mirza."

I said, "Even I am going there. Come, I will drop you."

Mannat said, "Thanks."

We sat inside the car, and I drove to the coffee shop, a few kilometers away, near a signal.

I suddenly remembered that I had asked Anjali to call Mizu home.

I said, "Hey Mannat. By the way, Mirza is coming home with us."

Mannat asked, "With who all?"

I clarified, "I mean Anjali."

Mannat questioned, "What is Anjali doing there?"

I explained, "Some discussion. Leave it. He is coming to my home. Even you join."

Mannat agreed, "Yeah, sure."


Hey frnds.. I hope you liked the chapter.. I know even you are expecting many things.. Some expectations might be correct or may be it will be something unexpected.. With this chapter some of the confusion parts are going to get resolved.. Here now starts the revelation series from the next chapter.. I am sure slowly by slowly  all the confusions will get cleared.. Yours as well as of the characters..

Are you all excited..? Do comment your feedback..

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Bye.. Will be back with the new chapter soon..

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