Chapter: 60

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Anju's POV

Months have passed, and it feels like I am living in a jail. It's as if someone is constantly watching me. I haven't received any message from Rahul, and I feel sad, empty, and lonely.

I switched on the TV to divert my mind, but I was not interested. I started changing channels, and suddenly I saw a news channel reporting about Tina and Rahul. It said that Tina and Rahul got engaged and would be marrying soon.

No, this can't happen. Rahul, you can't marry this woman. I will die without you. How can I call him? What should I do?

I broke down and started crying badly. I covered my mouth with the pillow so that no one could hear me. At least my neighbors shouldn't feel that something wrong is going on. I was going crazy, depressed, not knowing what to do. Time went by, and it was night.

Suddenly, I thought of calling Mizu, my best friend. I dialed his number.

The voice from the other end said, "Hello."

I replied, "Mizu, what is happening? What is the news? I am not getting it. Is Rahul going to marry that woman? What is going on?"

Mirza said, "Dear, relax. Nothing like that is happening. I will talk to him. There might be some issues."

I said while weeping, "Mizu, I will lose him, I think. Bye. I don't want to talk to anyone."

I switched off the phone and broke it.

I knew that Rahul had to save our family, and he would have to go to the extent that is not possible for me to imagine. I think I will lose him. Maybe he will get married to her.

I wept like hell.

After a day...

Apeksha on the phone said, "Hey, sweetheart, you are coming with me, right? I am waiting at the airport."

I replied, "I am on my way. Will reach in 30 minutes."

Apeksha replied, "Cool. I am waiting."

Apeksha was getting married to her long-time boyfriend, Richard. She was getting married in Goa in a Christian ceremony. I was very happy for her.

A day had passed since I learned about Rahul's news, and I had lost interest in my life. It felt like I had become a stone from inside. But I had to pretend to be happy for others who care for me.

After 30 minutes, I reached the airport and boarded the flight with Apeksha and her family.

In Australia...

Rahul's POV

Tina leaned to kiss me.

I said, "Wait."

I stopped her.

She asked, "What happened? I was in the mood."

I said, "Look, we are so busy with our works, and we couldn't celebrate our engagement. So I think we should have a toast first and then have our special night."

She smiled and hugged me. "Sure. Why not? I love you so much, Rahul."

I felt like killing her, but I had to plaster a smile on my face. I had been away from my family and my Anjali for months just because of this woman.

I said, "I will be back."

I went to the kitchen and poured red wine into two glasses. I took out a sleeping pill from her medicine box and dropped one tablet in a glass. I took both the glasses and went to the bedroom.

She welcomed me with a smile. I gave her the glass which had a sleeping pill in it.

After she drank the whole wine in her glass, she drifted off to sleep. I quickly wore my shirt and called Viren. I switched off all the cameras in her apartment.

Vinay arrived, and we started searching for evidence.

After some time...

I asked, "Vinay, did you find something?"

He replied, "Nope."

We again searched all the corners. Later, I found a big case in the storeroom.

I called Vinay to help me.

We tried to unlock it, but we couldn't. We started searching for keys, but after so much hard work, we couldn't find anything. Then suddenly something came to my mind.

I said, "Wait. You know, I gave you a key to make a duplicate of it."

He said, "Yeah."

I said. "Let us try that."

He said, "Sure."

I tried that key on the case, and it worked. I opened the case, and I found lots of documents inside it.

I said, "Mirza was right. Their business is illegal. They are not running any gaming business or any software company. It is just a hoax. Tina is involved in prostitution. She came back just to harass us with the help of Miraj. They are in the drug mafia as well."

Vinay said, "Oh my god!!!"

I said, "We need to hurry up. First, you make duplicates of it. They should look like the original ones. We will keep the duplicates in the case and keep it back. We will take the originals with us and go to the Indian embassy and then submit it to the cops and one copy to Mirza. And then we can go to India safely. I will inform Mirza about everything. Let us hurry up before she gets up."

Vinay went out and came back after an hour with the duplicates.

I kept the duplicates and kept the safe back. I took my things and the originals with us. We gathered our things from our rooms and hurried for the embassy.

Mirza had already made arrangements for us.

I was happy that after a period of time, everything was getting sorted out.

Hey frnds the story will end soon.. May be one more chapter.. I hope you all liked the story..

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Bye Tc

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