Chapter: 51

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Anjali's POV:

I awoke to an unfamiliar sound, the testing of speakers resonating through the air. Finding myself in bed, covered by a quilt, I stretched, seeking comfort. Panic set in when I noticed Pihu wasn't by my side. Anxiety gripped me at the thought of Pihu missing again. As I removed the quilt, exposing my half body, self-loathing consumed me for my perceived immaturity. Tears streamed down my face, my head throbbing with pain. Despair filled me, crying in frustration. A familiar sound drifted from downstairs, a male voice conversing with a baby.

Curiosity led me to the balcony, where I found Rahul playing with Pihu. Relief flooded me, their interaction painting a picture of perfection. Rahul seemed like the doting father, and I wiped away my tears with a smile. Inside, a piece of paper on the table near the couch caught my eye.

The note read:

Hey Sweetheart,

Good morning.

Yesterday was one of my best nights because you were with me. I felt like I was in a new world, a content man with his love and the bestest friend by his side. I felt like I was at the top of the world. With you, I feel connected, happy, and content. Making you happy is what I love to do. I'm sorry for our past, but I promise to be with you always. Our kiss was amazing, and I never thought I'd kiss you again. It was the bestest kiss because it was you. I love you, Anjali, from the core of my heart. I want to spend my whole life with you, but there's no hurry. I'll wait for your reply, though I don't think I should wait anymore after we've kissed. By the way, your coolest ringtone caught my attention. "Kuch toh hai tumse raabta..." is your ringtone now. That's cool. I feel connected to you as well, dear. I know you love me more than I can imagine. In the morning, seeing you sleep in my arms, I felt like kissing you again. But I decided to wait for your permission first. I thought you wouldn't be comfortable on the couch, so I picked you up and made you sleep on the bed comfortably. You looked beautiful. Damn, you will kill me. I so damn love you, ya... but anyway, I will wait because I love you and want to be with you always.

Bhai called me to bring Pihu from your room, unaware that I was already with you. So take care. I'm taking her. Don't panic, okay? But I know you'll see this letter later, and first, you'll get panicked. lol.

Get ready. I'll be downstairs.

Love you, sweetheart. Take care. <3

Blushing, I realized Rahul waited downstairs to prevent my panic. Smiling at the memory of our kiss lingering on my lips, face, and body, I closed my eyes, imagining his embrace. It felt heavenly. I patted my head, smiled, and went to get ready.

Amidst the full-force preparations for Rohit and Tanu's dreamy wedding, Rahul stood by my side, making up for the wasted years with care and love. It felt like a dream turned into reality, and Rahul was my anchor.

At night, a sudden feeling hinted that Rahul would show up. Deciding to embrace my college self, I changed into a big T-shirt, track pants, created a bun, wore a cap, and adorned my big glasses. Waiting for him, a knock on the balcony's sliding door surprised me. Opening it, I asked how he climbed up.

"Why should I climb up when my bedroom is beside yours?" he answered, hugging me and kissing my lips.

Surprised that his bedroom was next to mine, I asked, "But how did that happen? You were on the ground floor." Hugging me closer, he explained his choice due to the wedding materials in his room, opting for another next to mine. Chuckling, he revealed, "My balcony is attached to yours, so I can come and go anytime." Grinning, he added, "Did you do it purposely?" He replied, "Yeah, I made up all this to be with you and relive those five years within a few days." Smiling with a tear in my eye, he continued, "Superb, my college bestie is back. Your attire is so fun tonight, but before that..." He claimed my lips, kissing me passionately, transporting me to his world of pleasure. I cherished this kind and good-hearted man. I love you, Rahul.

Later, we invited Rohit and Tanu to join us, relishing our college memories and enjoying the camaraderie of the present.


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