Karen Jones: Drunken Kiss

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Karen Jones X Female Reader

Summary: After a drunken kiss, you are forced to face your feelings for Karen.

Word Count: 1500

Karen was generous enough to offer you a small wave and a smile as she passed you in the camp. You silently cursed the way that your face became warm as you returned the gestures, before returning your attention to cleaning your gun.

It was ridiculous and you knew it but, ever since that night, you couldn't even talk to Karen without becoming foolishly flustered. All because of one drunken act of affection that she probably didn't even remember, and even if she did remember she clearly wasn't as effected by it as you were.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was the night that Sean returned to the camp and the gang was celebrating his safe return. Everyone had been drinking, including you and, of course, Karen. The two of you had drifted away from the noisier parts of the camp, laughing at something that you both found amusing in your intoxicated states.

"Dance with me!" Karen drunkenly ordered with a wide grin on her face.

"Uh, I dunno" you voiced your hesitation but didn't fight as she took your hands in hers and pulled you towards her. "I ain't much of a dancer" you warned her.

"That don't matter. Just dance with me" Karen shrugged, undeterred, and you didn't deny her, you couldn't even if you wanted too.

So you gave in, gently placing your hands her waist, getting into a dancing position as well as holding her a little more steady as she lightly swayed. The smile didn't leave her face as she draped her arms over your shoulders, pulling you a little closer than you thought she would.

"Ya look nervous" Karen observed, her voice softening slightly, seemingly concerned with your nervousness.

"What? I'm not?" you assured her, shaking your head slightly, but even you weren't sure if you were lying or not.

Karen had always made you nervous, not in a bad way but in a stomach-filled-with-butterflies sort of way. The way that those in love describe the feeling but whenever your mind drifted to that answer you shook your head and reminded yourself that it was ridiculous. You couldn't be in love with her, could you?

"Good" Karen smiled and then her mouth was on yours.

You completely froze as you tried to process what was happening but it wasn't long before things began to become clear, this wasn't your imagination. Karen was kissing you. You weren't sure what to do, how to react, but almost against your own will you started to kiss her back. You were barely aware of your hands circling around her waist some more.

Karen's lips were soft against yours, despite the kiss being a little messy and tasting of whiskey. It was truly wonderful, something you had only dreamed of before. But then it was over, all too soon, she pulled away from you.

"I'm going to get another drink" Karen smiled at you, reminding you that she was still drunk even if that kiss had sobered you up completely, before walking away. Leaving you both more aware and more confused than ever. You were confused as to why she had just kissed you but now completely aware of your feelings for this woman.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once Karen had walked out of sight, you dropped what you were holding onto the table before burying your face in your hands. You groaned before collecting yourself and returning to the task of cleaning your gun, ignoring the swirl of emotions that was building up within you.

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