Micah Bell: Who He is Jealous of

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: "who they are jealous of" but in a oneshot.

Word Count: 2300

Being involved with Micah Bell was unlike any relationship you have been in before. The emotional unavailability should have been enough to drive you away but it didn't, because when you least expected it he would do something so unlike himself, reminding you why you were with him in the first place.

It was difficult to get through to him at all at the beginning of your relationship, almost impossible to get some softer moments with him. But you slowly started to earn more of his trust and he started to feel more comfortable with you, resulting in more genuine soft moments and shared innocent affection.

Still, receiving that affection in public was rare even now. Of course, he just couldn't afford to look weak in front of the other members of the gang.

If anyone were to ask you about Micah's behaviour you would probably just tell them that he didn't care all that much. That he didn't like public displays of affection and he didn't feel the need to do so. Though, that wasn't exactly the truth.

Not that Micah would ever admit it out loud, but he knew that he wasn't very emotionally available. Physically, he would be there whenever you wanted him to be. Emotionally, well, he struggled with that more. It wasn't that he didn't want to have you close, to show you affection, to be more open with you, it was more that he...couldn't. Even if something within him wanted too. Again, he wouldn't admit that.

Of course, this knowledge caused Micah's mind to wander to a place he wasn't familiar with. Relationships had never really been his thing and therefore insecurities about his relationship had never been a thing, until now.

Sometimes he would just look up at you across the camp, and find himself worrying about things he had never worried about before. He finds himself wondering is you would rather be with somebody more emotionally available, somebody a little softer, a little less rough around the edges.

Despite Micah always seeming to think that he is better than everyone else, he gets more insecure and jealous than you might expect.

Now, Micah doesn't just get jealous of anyone. He doesn't get jealous of the random men who hit on you in the saloon, he just laughs at them as he pulls you into his side, he knows that you would never be interested in them. He doesn't get jealous of most of the gang either, since he still does consider himself to be better than them...with the exception of two men that just seemed to get under his skin.


Most of the gang was aware that Dutch had a weakness for women. Despite being with Miss O'Shea, everyone had caught him flirting with Mary-Beth at least once. Micah didn't think that their leader was opposed to turning on the charm around women who were already spoken for, considering he was already spoken for, maybe that was why he was so tense as he watched the man talking to you.

Sure, Micah didn't think of Dutch as the mighty leader that he claimed to, that he told Dutch he was, but Dutch was still your leader.

He supposed that there was a small worry at the back of his mind that if Dutch decided to properly pursue you, you would leave him. In his mind it made sense that if you were to leave him it would be for Dutch, a man of a 'higher rank', your leader, his leader. You wouldn't have to work, surely Dutch would pamper you (at least for the beginning of your relationship), and you would have a newfound power in the camp. Maybe Micah just had to remind himself that that isn't what you wanted anyway.

It was a possibility that Dutch's authority and power in the camp only fed into his jealously. Either way, he didn't like the way that Dutch smiled at you or shifted his weight to lean towards you slightly. You seemed pretty oblivious to it, nodding along with whatever he was saying.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz