They Find You Drawing Them

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Arthur actually feels a little guilty because his journal is very private to him and he imagines yours would be the same to you, but it's too late now. He'll apologise but compliment your work, telling you that your drawing was very generous to him, which made you give him a small disapproving look. He thinks your blush is adorable and has the perfect way to make it up to you. He grabs his journal and shows you the sketch he did of you earlier that week. You're blushing, he's blushing, you're both flattered and completely hopeless. Perfect for each other.


You just had to go and feed this man's ego, didn't you? Seriously, as soon as he finds you lost in your own little world, sketching his familiar features, a huge smirk spreads out over his face. He kneels down beside you, watching you work completely unaware of him, before talking, complimenting your skills. He thinks that your little gasp and how fast you slam your journal closed is adorable but your blush is even more endearing. He didn't mean to scare you...okay, he kinda did but he only acted out of love and wanting to see your flustered face.


Hosea can't help but smile when he sees the sketch that you are working on, of him sitting at the campfire. He thought it was wonderful. He won't make a huge deal out of it, not wanting to embarrass you. But he will compliment your work, telling you that you are very skilled. He'll ask if you'd ever consider showing him more of your work but certainly won't pressure you to do so.


A huge smirk appears on Micah's face, just like Dutch you are only feeding his ego. He'll brag about how you can't stop thinking about him or how attractive you must think he is. Micah is going to tease the hell out of you but he will secretly be rather flattered, when you aren't looking he'll smile more genuinely to himself. Seeing you flustered is just too tempting though. But he cares so he won't go to far, telling you that he's only messing with you but then going on to tease you again. He thinks it is sweet but...he like to make you flustered.


When Charles walks over to where you're sitting, looking over your shoulder to see you putting some finishing details on a sketch of him, his chest just warms. A small smile on his face as he compliments your work, not meaning to make you jump but you had been lost in your own little world. He'll apologise for spooking you as he sits down beside you. He'll compliment your skills again, telling you that the likeness was spot on, but making sure not to embarrass you. He understands that he was probably never meant to see that.


Your sketch of him sitting at the campfire playing his guitar just makes him smile like a fool. He thinks it's wonderful and thinks you're so talented, and he will tell you that a thousand times. When you blush or get embarrassed, Javier will apologise for gushing too much but insist that your work is amazing and that he's flattered while pressing a kiss to your cheek.


John doesn't even think before glancing over your shoulder and down at the pages of your journal. He pauses when he sees the sketch of himself, his eyes widening slightly as he took it in. He knew you liked to draw, often seeing you sketching away but you had never shown him any of your works. That made him wonder if you had more doodles of him, he would like to see them. You gasp a little and close your journal when you finally notice him, blushing at being caught and John a little flustered for being caught watching. He isn't sure what to say but apologises for just lurking around and compliments your skill, telling you that he was flattered.


This fool snatches the journal straight out of your hands, grinning brightly as he admires your works. That's him! You drew him! He won't shut up about how good it is and how flattered he is. You must love him a whole lot, huh? You think he's so handsome that you had to put it down on paper? Awww, he loves you too! This has honestly made his week. And if you're blushing or flustered, he thinks it's adorable and it doesn't deter his praise. He really just thinks it's the sweetest thing and thinks you're so talented. He loves it!

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