Micah Bell: Presumed Dead

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Micah Bell & Teenage Daughter

Summary: After your disappearance, and apparent death, you run into your father again.

Word Count: 2800

You had gone with Dutch, Arthur and your father to meet with Colm. Apparently he wanted to come to some sort of truce but you were all certain it was a trap, still your father and Dutch seemed determined to go, which you didn't understand. Knowing it was a trap, you insisted on going with them.

Micah had convinced you to hang back with Arthur with rifles, ready to shoot Colm and his men if something went wrong. He thought that you might be safer up there, away from Colm himself. It turned out that he was wrong about that.

The meeting was a trap but Dutch and Micah were left unharmed, Colm and his men leaving without a fight. They had assumed everything went fine until they couldn't find you and Arthur, realising that some of Colm's men had taken you both.

At first Dutch had insisted that you would both be fine, that you could handle yourselves and would get out. Micah, however, refused to leave you there. He didn't care about what happened to Arthur but you were his daughter, he wouldn't let anything happen to you.

Dutch somehow convinced Micah to return to the camp first, to gather the troops, before finding the O'Driscoll camp. They got John, Javier, Charles, and Bill on board before heading to the camp that they assumed Colm had taken you and Arthur.

Thanks to Micah, the gang had to go in guns blazing, he was shooting before anyone could put together a more reasonable plan.

The gang managed to take out most of the men before searching the camp from top to bottom, looking for their missing men.

"Dutch!" Charles called, getting everyone's attention.

They looked over to him to see him assisting Arthur through the camp, the injured man's arm thrown over his shoulder as Charles pretty much carried his weight.

"Arthur, are you alright?" Dutch asked, knowing it was a stupid question. He looked like he could barely hold his head up. He wasn't alright but he was alive and that's what mattered,

"Where's Y/n?" Micah asked, assuming that you had been held in the same place.

"Sh-she ain't here" Arthur told him, leaning more of his weight against Charles even though he thought it, and Charles allowed it.

"What do you mean 'she ain't here'?" Micah asked, his voice dropping dangerously.

"I mean...she a-ain't here. I saw her get d-dragged off" Arthur winced in pain. When he saw the other O'Driscolls dragging you away, of course he tried to fight and get to you but that only received him another beating. He tried and he failed, he wouldn't forgive himself for that. Neither would Micah.

Cautious glances where sent in Micah's direction when he let out a small growl. He looked around the camp until he saw an O'Driscoll that was trying to quietly crawl away, having only been shot in the leg.

Micah walked up to him, moving faster than the injured man could, grabbed him by the shoulder and flipped him onto his back.

"Where's Y/n?" Micah asked as he grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, lifting his shoulders off of the ground.

"The g-girl?" the O'Driscoll asked, not knowing the name of the woman who came in with Arthur. Micah slammed him down against the ground before lifting him up again, the O'Driscoll took that as confirmation. "You're too late. Sh-she's long gone" he told him and a tense silence fell over the gang members who were just watching the scene.

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