Javier Escuella: Guarma

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Javier Escuella & Teenager Daughter Reader (about 16 years old)

Summary: A whirlwind of events lands you and a few other members of the gang on the island of Guarma, also leading to your kidnapping.

Word Count: 3200

The last few events definitely hadn't been planned but that wasn't much of a surprise anymore, nothing seemed to go right these days. You've all lost more people than you'd care to count, you couldn't even think about those deaths right now.

This whole mess had started with a bank job going wrong, you hiding out in a dingy room with the other's, trying to plan an escape. Of course, Dutch came up with a plan. A plan that nobody really seemed on board with but what other option was there?

You all stayed in that room until it got dark and then headed for the docks, Dutch insisting that you would all return to find the rest of the gang in a few weeks. You didn't like it, leaving the others but Charles said that he would go back to them and you trusted him to make take care of the others, you were sure that Sadie would handle things as well.

And that's how you, your father, Dutch, Arthur, Bill, and Micah ended up on a boat heading for Cuba. Using gold from the bank job, Dutch convinced the captain to stay quiet about the stowaways, but then things only went from bad to worse.

A storm hit the ship one night when you were all sleeping, meaning you all had to scramble onto a little rowboat to not drown. Arthur had gotten stuck behind some fallen crates on the ship. By the time he made it to the deck, you were all already in a little boat. A boat that your father had to drag you onto, he didn't want to leave Arthur behind either but his mind was only focused on getting you off of this sinking ship. You were more surprised and concerned by how easily Dutch seemed to make the decision.

Next thing you knew, what remained of the group was setting up camp, somewhere called Guarma. It was rough, making you miss the luxuries of the gang's camp, but it was keeping you all alive. If you had a choice of who to be deserted on an island with, you wouldn't have chosen these men. Especially not Micah or Bill.

You were about to stab Micah if he didn't button up that shirt, you really didn't need to be seeing that right now.

Just as you were giving up, it seemed that the universe had some mercy after all. Arthur stumbled up to your little camp.

You and your father where the first out of your seats, rushing to the man's sides to support his weight and assist over to the campfire. All but Micah seemed genuinely glad to see him.

"Arthur, you're alive" you smiled as you wrapped an arm around his waist, throwing his arm over your shoulder to help support his weight.

"Just about" Arthur nodded weakly, letting Javier do the same to his other arm.

You sat him down in the shade, let him rest and drink, let him recover. All while Dutch caught him up with where you all where and what was going on, explaining that he had no new plan to get off of this island and back home.

You cursed yourself for thinking that maybe your luck was turning around because that's when the men with guns came around, chaining you all up, attaching you to each other by the waist. Again, not how you expected the day to go.

The walk was long and only interrupted when some unknowns started shooting the men who had been escorting you. Once the shooting stopped and you were all alive, beside the escorts, you all managed to remove your chains.

So close. You were all so close to getting away, a man encouraging you all to follow him, but then pain coursed through your leg as you fell to the ground. You had been shot by the incoming reinforcements.

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