Arthur Morgan: Arthur's Journal

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Sadie finally gets a look in Arthur's journal but finds more than she could even hope for. Arthur is hopelessly in love and only able to express himself through the pages of his journal. Sadie aims to help you both out, even if it requires telling Arthur to pull himself together.

Word Count: 3400

Sadie couldn't help her peaking curiosity when she saw Arthur scribbling away in his journal. He could often be found jotting things down or doodling when he thinks that nobody is watching. He was always carrying it on him and more than a few members of the gang were curious about its contents.

"Y'know Mr Morgan, I wouldn't mind a peek in that journal of yours. The mind boggles" Sadie teased as she walked up to where he was sitting.

"Not a chance..." Arthur scoffed as he closed his journal, stood and walked away without another word.

Sadie just laughed to herself, shaking her head at the mysterious man, but was still curious about what he kept in his journal.

- - - - -

Sadie stepped into Arthur's tent, the canvas already open. "Arthur, Dutch wants you to check out some job with Javier" she told him, only making him sigh as he grabbed his satchel. "Not a moment's rest, am I right?" she asked as Arthur passed her, slipping out of the tent.

"That you are" Arthur chuckled before heading over to where Javier is waiting for him.

Sadie glanced back into his tent aimlessly but spotted the familiar leather bound book sitting on his cot. She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she watched Arthur and Javier ride out of the camp. Unfortunately, her curiosity got the better of her and she stepped further into Arthur's tent. What could the harm be?

Sitting down on the cot, Sadie picked up the journal and opened it to a random page. The first few pages were pretty boring, a recollection of past events and a bunch of sketches of various landscapes and animals.

Sadie was a little surprised by how introspective Arthur was, he had a surprising amount of deep and meaningful thoughts. Things that she could never imagine him saying out loud. She could also admit that Arthur was quite the artist, his sketches were impressive.

She was a little surprised by the contents of the journal but it wasn't quite enough to hold her interest. She decided she would look at one more page before putting it down, and she was glad that she did.

Flicking to the next page, Sadie read the first line and was instantly interested. It appeared that Arthur had been writing about a woman, he didn't mention a name but he seemed to be rather enamoured by her. It was a woman in the camp, since he wrote about one of their interactions. Apparently he was completely smitten with her smile. Sweet.

Turning the other page revealed more writing that was accompanied by a sketch, a sketch that made Sadie smile. It was carefully drawn, he had clearly taken his time with it to get it perfect. The drawing was very obviously of you, a soft smile on your face, he had even managed to capture the happiness in your eyes.

The next couple of pages consisted of studies. Various sketches of your eyes, your lips, your nose, your hands.

Sadie continued to read, only focusing on the pages that were about you, they were far more interesting. Arthur had a hopeless crush on you, he was absolutely head over heels in love with you, but was also apparently very emotionally constipated.

There was even a few heartbreaking entries were he spoke about his feelings for you, almost poetically, but then confessed that he had no idea how to express these feelings to you. He also claimed that you wouldn't return his feelings, that this whole thing was pointless but he still couldn't stop himself from feeling this way. So, he would just keep these thoughts in his journal.

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