Hosea Matthews: Older Men

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Hosea Matthews X Female Reader

Summary: Hosea already had his insecurities about the age gap in your relationship but your history of being interested in older men also concerns him. Are your feelings for him real?

Word Count: 1000

You couldn't help but smile when you saw the horses riding into the camp, Hosea and Dutch returning from checking out a lead. As they dismounted their horses, you walked over.

Hosea smiled when he saw you approaching and you were quick to welcome him home with a warm hug and a short but sweet kiss. You always greeted him the same way when he returned to the camp and he could admit that he loved it.

"Was the lead any good?" you asked as you pulled away from him slightly, resting your hands on his chest.

"We think so. Going to send Arthur out to pursue it further later on" Hosea told you, never being one to try to shelter you from the life. After all, you lived it too.

Glancing over your head for just a second, Hosea caught the amused and demeaning look that Micah gave you before just shaking his head and walking away.

Normally nothing Micah did bothered Hosea, his words never got to the older man and the only time he effected Hosea was when he wasn't pulling his weight or when he was harassing other members of the gang. However, everything seemed to get under his skin when it came to you.

Hosea hated his insecurities with a passion, not being able to just enjoy his time with you, questioning things in a way that he doesn't usually do, absolutely irrational. He realised that he couldn't go on ignoring you but at the same time, he didn't want to burden you with them. No, you were both more mature than that, he should be able to talk to you about this.

- - - - -

You let your hair fall naturally over your shoulder, having just been getting to turn in for the night. Not that you were going to go to sleep until Hosea joined you, you hated going to bed without him. He was just speaking with Dutch so you knew that you wouldn't have to wait too long.

Hosea soon stepped into the tent, closing the canvas behind him as you turned to face him.

"Hey" you smiled sweetly and stepped over to him, meeting him in the centre of your shared tent. "Are you alright?" you asked as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Sure. Why do you ask?" Hosea asked as his hands settled comfortably on your waist.

"You just don't seem like yourself today. You've been...distant. Did I do something to upset you?" you asked, worried about him.

"No...no, of course you didn't, darling" Hosea assured you before pressing a kiss to your forehead, the last thing he wanted to do was upset you.

"Then what's wrong?" you promoted, reach up to comb your fingers through his hair. Hosea sighed before dropping his hands from your waist and walked past you, making you frown slightly. "Hosea, you can talk to me about whatever it is" you reminded him, turning around to watch him.

"You've been in other relationships before, right?" Hosea asked as he sat down on the edge of the cot.

"Well, yeah...why?" you frowned, wondering what this was about.

"They always been older than you?" Hosea questioned.

"What?" your face scrunched up in confusion but Hosea just waited for your answer. "Um...my first boyfriend was about my age but other men I've been with have all been older than me, I guess. Does that...matter or something?" you asked.

"Am I the oldest man you've been with?" Hosea continued with no explanation.

"...yeah. Other than you I think the oldest person I've been with was in their forties" you told him honestly. "Hosea, what's going on? Why are you asking all these questions?" you asked as you moved to stand between his legs, him letting you do so.

"I just don't understand. You're a beautiful and intelligent young woman, why do you bother with such older men?" Hosea frowned up at you.

"I don't really think about it...the men I've been interested in are usually just older than me. I guess I'm just more attracted to them than men my age. I don't know why, that's just how it is" you shrugged. "Is that a problem?..." your head tilted to the side.

"I suppose I'm worried that your feelings for me aren't genuine" Hosea confessed, making your heart ache.

"Hosea...how could you think that?" you frowned, running your fingers through his short hair.

"I don't understand what I have to offer you" Hosea sighed.

"I don't think that the age difference is all that weird. I mean, I don't think it matters. I've had bad relationships in the past, not all of them but some, but you treat me better than any of them did" you told him. "You let me be independent, you treat me like an equal, but you'd also do anything for me. When I need you, you're right there to take care of me" you reminded him. "You care for me, you listen to me, and most importantly you love me...right?" you asked.

"Of course I do, sweetheart" Hosea promised you as he placed his hands on your hips, hoping to erasing your doubts.

"I love you, Hosea, so much" you assured him as you climbed onto his lap, meeting no resistance from him. "Let me prove it?" you requested as you began to trail kisses up his neck and along his jaw.

"You don't have to prove anything, my dear" Hosea told you and meant it.

You placed your hands on his shoulders and pulled away slightly so that you could look at his face.

"What if I want to?" you asked innocently, betting your eyelashes at him.

"The it would be unfair to deny you" Hosea hummed, smiling up at you now.

"See, always so good to me" you gushed as you lent down to capture his lips in a lingering kiss. "I really do love you, Hosea. More than I've ever loved anybody. Please don't ever doubt that" you told him sincerely as you pulled away from the kiss, looking him in the eyes so that he could see how honest you were being.

"I love you too, my dear" Hosea smiled and you kissed him again, running your fingers through his hair as he slid his hand up your back, admiring the feeling of the soft nightgown you were wearing.


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