They Find out that you are Very, Very Ticklish

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You both scared each other. Arthur had mindlessly and tiredly buried his face into the crook of your neck. His facial hair tickled your neck and it made you jerk away from him slightly, which startled him fully awake as he asked you what was wrong. You assured him that you were just very ticklish and that his beard had tickled you. Arthur chuckled and apologised as you returned to him embrace. He muttered something about 'being more careful' before burying his face in your neck again, probably falling asleep. Arthur doesn't really tickle you on purpose.


Dutch discovers how ticklish you are by accident. He was trying to be romantic and charming, pulling you into a soft kiss. He slid his hand up your neck and then you started giggling. He pulled away, asking you what you were laughing at and you explained that you were just very ticklish. He'll make sure to be more careful of that in the future, however Dutch is most likely to tickle you when you've had an argument and you are ignoring him. He'll just come up behind you and start tickling you until you crack and start laughing, he only agrees to stop if you forgive him or agree to talk to him.


Micah discovers this by accident. All he did was place a hand on your waist. He normally isn't playful enough to tickle you unprompted, it's a surprise to him and he's confused at first but then a smirk appears on his face. He'll will definitely use this against you. You sit in his lap, he places a calculated hand on your waist to make you squirm, he'll trace a finger along your neck, rest his chin on your shoulder and then blow against your neck when you least expect it. He's more likely to do it in private, since he doesn't like getting caught being anything but stone cold Micah Bell in public. When you're being annoying, he'll use it to his advantage.


It's completely accidental that Charles finds out that you are ticklish, he notices as soon as a gentle brush of his hand made you squirm uncomfortably and stifle a small laugh. He just comments that you never told him you were ticklish. Charles isn't likely to purposely tickle you or use it against you, but he does think it's adorable when he does it by accident. Still, he apologises.


It had startled Javier a little bit at first, he hadn't expected you to react like that. The two of you had been sitting together, enjoying the quiet, and he innocently pressed a kiss just below your ear and you nearly jumped off of his lap and away from him. He instantly apologised, not sure why he was apologising but doing anyway. You shook your head and explained that it had just tickled. Javier relaxed, chuckling before pulling you back onto his embrace and returning to your previous position. Every now and again Javier will surprise you with subtle touches that he knows you will find ticklish. He can only smile when you playfully scold him for it.


Sean probably find this out when he tries to tickle you for the first time. Now that he knows just so ticklish you are, nothing can get him to stop. He loves it. He loves making you laugh and this is just so easy, he'll have you in tears and begging for him to stop. Of course, he will listen to you and stop when you're being serious. He just thinks it's adorable that you're so ticklish, he can't help it! He tickles you accidentally a lot but will always apologise, even if he's grinning or laughing as he does so. Sean is ticklish as well, so you can get your revenge.


Hosea doesn't purposely tickle you when he discovers just how ticklish you are. You had mentioned it once in a offhand comment but he never thought too much about it. He found out when he tucked some hair behind your ear, his fingertips brushing against your skin and making you giggle as you pulled away from him. He thinks that it's pretty sweet. It becomes the way that he wakes you up. Brushing his hand up your waist doesn't startle you but it ticklish you a little, making you wake up somewhat peacefully. He can't help but smile a little bit and chuckle fondly as you hum and bat his hand away.


Kieran finds out by accident, and it startles him the first time. He thought he hurt you by the way you flinched and pulled away from him. You quickly shushed him, telling him that you're fine, you're just really ticklish. He relaxed after that. He doesn't really use this against you but when the two of you are away from the gang, just the two of you and you're being playful. The two of you could end up tickling each other. He's also very tickling, so you are both just laughing messes.


There are a lot of accidental tickling with John, sometimes he notices it but most of the time he doesn't. He only really questions you on it after it happens the first few times, you just shrug and tell him that you're really ticklish. John starts to tickle you just to annoy you. If you've been arguing, he'll tickle you to get you to laugh and talk to him again. If he's already annoying you, he'll tickle you just to annoy you more. You swear he does it on purpose, enjoying annoying you, but he will always deny it. Of course he doesn't enjoy annoying you!


Bill had only placed his hand on your waist and you jerked away from his touch, he pulled his hand away from you like it had burnt him. You apologised and assured him that he did nothing wrong, you are just extremely ticklish. Bill relaxes and releases a breath, nodding in understanding. After that he's always tickling you by accident and he mutters an apology every time. He's trying to be sweet and hold you a little closer of a night but then ends up tickling you some how. At first he feels bad but when he hears you laugh or giggle, he stops worrying about it and it makes him smile.


Lenny finds out that you're extremely ticklish when you're laying together and he tickled your side to get your attention, he wasn't expecting that reaction. Similar to Kieran, Lenny is more likely to tickle you when you're both alone and you're both being playful. Rolling around in the grass or on your cot as he tickles you. Lenny is ticklish but not as much as you, so you both tickle each other in these moments but you always lose.


You briefly mentioned that you were ticklish once but it was one of those comments that you quickly forget about, and for a short amount of time Leopold did kind of forget about it. Until he accidentally tickled you again. Leopold doesn't use this information against you, he's not the type to just start tickling you or anything like that. You pretty safe with Leopold.


Sadie finds out that you're so ticklish by accident. Whether she places a hand on your waist and grazes her fingertips across your neck, she wasn't expecting your reaction. She just chuckles. She thinks that it is just adorable. She normally only tickles you in private when she is trying to make you smile. Sadie isn't very ticklish and if you try to tickle her, just to make sure she isn't lying, she will have you apologising in seconds.


Josiah just gradually realised how ticklish you were. You had told him once and after that he just started to see it more. He started to notice how the little touches made you react but he found it kinda cute and he found your little giggle adorable. He doesn't tickle you much on purpose, never in public, if he does it's more likely to be in private when you're both in a playful mood. One innocent tickle can turn into you both laughing and rolling around on silk sheets in whatever fancy hotel Josiah had booked for the night.


You had just mentioned to Orville that you were really ticklish and he quickly realised just how true that was when he accidentally tickled you, having just been cuddling. He laughs softly along with you as he apologises. Orville probably won't initiate any tickling but you knew that he is a little ticklish as well so when he's having a bad day and needed some cheering us, that was your strategy. It always made him smile to see you laughing, for whatever reason it was.


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