Arthur Morgan: Always Been You

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Arthur receives a letter from Mary but it doesn't make him feel the way he expected. He suddenly realises that he's been looking in the wrong place the whole time.

A/N: Arthur doesn't have TB!!!

Word Count: 4100

You and Arthur walked through the camp at Beaver Hollow, a place that neither of you were fond of. It had an awful history but the gang had managed to make it a home, at least to some extent. The two of you have just gotten back from a job and were planning on sitting down with a drink.

"Arthur" Tilly called, getting both of your attention and making you both turn to face her. "A letter came for you" she told him.

"Oh, okay" Arthur nodded, seeming completely lost as to why he would be receiving a letter.

"I know it's from that Mary..." Tilly told him as she held the letter out to him.

"Mary?" Arthur asked and your heart ached at the speed as which he took the letter from Tilly and began to open it.

"She ain't worth it, Arthur" Tilly sighed before walking away.

"Who is?" Arthur muttered as he opened the envelope.

As he opened the letter, a ring fell out onto his palm. He looked at it knowingly before closing it in his palm and unfolding the piece of paper. You watched his face as he read it in silence, trying to read his emotions but you were getting nothing. His facial expression was just blank.

"Arthur?..." you asked softly, trying to figure out how he was feeling, what the letter was about.

Arthur didn't speak, he just folded the letter before holding it out to you. When you didn't move and only stared at him, he grabbed your wrist and stuffed the letter into your hand. You opened your mouth to speak but he had already turned around and walked away.

You watched him disappear into his tent before you unfolded the letter and began to read it, assuming that was what he wanted you to do.

'My Dear Arthur,
You never showed up and now, after looking at the newspapers, I understand why. I don't imagine you will receive this letter but I nonetheless must send it. Arthur, oh, Arthur. I was just starting to dream the silliest and softest of dreams. I miss you, and I will always miss you, but I cannot live like that and it seems you cannot live any other way. When I am with you, the world makes sense but when we are apart, I see clearly that your world is not a world from which one can escape. I am so sorry, for everything. For everything long ago and for starting up that business again. There's a good man within you, Arthur, but he is wresting with a giant. And the giant wins time and again. You've broken my heart, again, and I fear I have broken yours. For that, I will never forgive myself, but you must let me go now. I enclose a ring you gave me many years ago, when we were both young, not because I don't like it but because I care for it far too much and it reminds me too much of you. I hope one day you will find some people in love you can use this, for it kept me thinking of you all these years and I hope by returning it to you, I can finally be free.
Goodbye, Mary'

You sighed as you read the last line, folding the piece of paper once again. You knew that it would be a goodbye letter as soon as you saw the ring.

You had been in love with Arthur since everything went down in Blackwater but he was your best friend and you didn't want to sabotage that. You knew everything about his relationship with Mary, he had told you about it himself, you knew that he loved her and you accepted that. He didn't return your feelings but you still cared for him and wanted him to be happy, so you kept your love for him silent for who knows how long.

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