Micah Bell: No Hesitation

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: It turns out that you and Micah have a lot more in common than you thought, including that fact that neither of your loyalties lie with the Van der Linde gang.

Word Count: 3700

There had always been some sort of tension between you and Micah Bell, a tense that you couldn't explain but it had been there since you joined the gang. You were one of the best fighters in the gang, as well as one of the best shots. Everyone knew that and nobody questioned it. They had seen you take down men that you shouldn't physically have been able to, you could look after yourself just fine and they knew it. Micah knew it.

Perhaps Micah felt threatened by that, not liking that he knew that you could out him in his place with ease. Either way, it lead to a not-so-friendly rivalry.

You had hated each other from day one, always knowing exactly how to wind each other up and loving to do so. The other members of the gang hated running jobs with the two of you because you would always be arguing or taunting each other.

However, gradually, that rivalry between you both became a little more friendly. Admittedly, you were both very alike, which was probably why you got on each other's nerves so much in the first place. Yes, you annoyed each other to no end but you also understood each other better than any of the others.

The two of you had a sort of understanding. You both knew that this whole thing was about survival, about looking out for yourself when push came to shove. You expected no loyalty from each other, you even respected that about each other, and yet a friendship formed anyway.

"Really, Bell? That's child's play" you scoffed at the story he just told you, shaking your head in a disapproving manner.

"Oh, you think you could've done better?" Micah asked, clearly trying to act like your comment didn't bother him.

"Sure. I wouldn't have hesitated, that's for sure" you shrugged before taking a sip of your drink.

"I didn't hesitate" Micah told you sternly.

"Sure you didn't" you nodded, sounding very unconvinced. Now, you actually didn't think that Micah was the type to hesitate when he knew what he was going to do next but you knew that it riled him up when you suggested otherwise.

"I don't fucking hesitate" Micah spoke through gritted teeth this time and you tried not to laugh.

"Neither do I" you smirked as you rested your elbow on the table, leaning forward and towards him. Micah glared at you, leaning forward as well, the tension building. "Anyway...I gotta go" you broke the silence as you swiftly pulled away, standing from the table.

"Where?" Micah asked as he lent back in his chair, bringing his drink up to his mouth again.

"None of your concern. Don't miss me too much" you winked at him over your shoulder before walking away.

"Miss you? You're flattering yourself" Micah scoffed, not even sure if you heard him since you were already leaving. You did hear him but you just rolled your eyes, heading over to the horses.

Micah squinted at you as he watched you ride out of the camp. You had been sneaking around a lot recently and he didn't like it at all. Well, he thought that you were sneaking around, nobody else was suspicious of you since you often seemed to come and go as you pleased. But Micah knew better, he was sure that something wasn't right, and maybe that was why he decided to follow you.


Agent Milton glanced around the dingy salon and inwardly cringed, turning his nose up at the establishment and it's patrons. New rule; never let an outlaw choose the meeting place.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora