Micah Bell: Training

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: you used to be a horse trainer and you begin working with Baylock behind Micah's back.

Word Count: 1400

The Van der Linde gang wasn't so bad and neither was their camp. All you had to do to earn your keep was a few chores and you got to care for their horses, which had been a passion of yours before joining the gang of outlaws. All in all, you were quite content where you were. And, more importantly, you were safe.

You were with your horse, brushing her mane and smiling as she moved towards your touch. "Christ!" you heard Kieran exclaim, making you frown before wandering over to him.

"Is everything alright?" you asked, looking between him and the horse that he was tending to. The Missouri Fox Trotter that belonged to Micah Bell.

"What? Oh yeah, sorry Miss...it's just Baylock. Keeps trying to bite me" Kieran sighed, placing the brush down, clearly giving up with the horse for now. It probably was a good idea to give Baylock some space.

"Horses can be pretty playful, it could be harmless" you hummed, knowing that even horses enjoyed a little rough housing when they were playing.

"Oh no, Miss. I know horses and this ain't playful, it's aggression. Just like his owner" Kieran huffed. "Anyone other than Mr Bell hangs around for too long and Baylock gets...I dunno, territorial I guess" he informed you.

"Hmmm...Mr Bell has probably been a bad influence. You go care for the other horses, I'll finish up with him" you offered.

"Y'sure, miss. I don't want to trouble you" Kieran shook his head, making you smile a little. He was a sweet man, never wanting to trouble anyone, always keeping to himself.

"You're not. Before joining the gang I used to train horses. Even the stubborn ones" you told him.

"Really? Well...alright, if you're sure" Kieran nodded, giving you a thankful smile. You nodded politely back at him before he went to tend to the other horses.

"Alright boy, what's going on with you, huh?" you hummed as you ran a hand over his mane, but he huffed at you so you pulled your hand away, knowing not to push him. "Not a fan of me?...I think we can change that" you smiled to yourself.

You have trained difficult horses before and you didn't think that Baylock would actually be all that difficult, you just had to help him get rid of some bad habits.

So, that was how you started working with Baylock. Unless you were busy, you would tend to Baylock and your own horse rather than Kieran doing it. You had moved your horse closer to Baylock in the hopes that he would learn from her. And you were already starting to see signs of improvement!

Of course, all the attention you were giving Baylock didn't go unnoticed by Micah. He saw how much you were hanging around his horse, grooming him and sneaking him treats, instead of letting the O'Driscoll boy tend to him. It looked an awful lot like you were training him as much as you could without making it too obvious but Micah noticed and he wasn't sure what to think.


Once again, you were with Baylock, occasionally glancing over to watch your horse roaming around peacefully.

"You've been spending a whole lot of time around Baylock" the familiar voice made you sigh before turning to him. "Tell me, is it my horse that ya like or are you just trying to get my attention?" Micah asked with a smirk.

"I can assure you, Mr Bell, your horse is the only one I have a soft spot for" you told him before turning back to the horse. "So, how does he ride?" you asked as you stroked over the horse's mane, smiling at the fact that he wasn't pulling away or huffing at you anymore.

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