Arthur Morgan: The Farmer's Daughter

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: The life of a farmer's daughter didn't hold much excitement, not until a certain outlaw comes riding through anyway.

Word Count: 4700

As you were most days, you were on your father's farm, though at this point you think it should be under your name rather than his. You were grooming your favoured horsed when you heard footsteps approaching, looking over your shoulder to see your father.

"I'm going into town, I won't be long" your father informed you, the news not surprising in the slightest.

"Before you go, can you just mend that fence on the cow pen? It won't take long to fix and I don't think it's going to hold much longer" you asked.

"It will be fine, don't worry about it" your father waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

"But-" you tried to argue.

"It can wait" he interrupted you, planting a quick kiss to the top of your head before leaving.

"It's been waiting for two weeks" you mumbled to yourself, brushing through your horse's mane again. You shouldn't really be disappointed anymore, you knew what to expect from him.

It was later the same day, sometime in the afternoon, and your father still hadn't returned but you had expected no less. You were carrying a hay bale across the farm, trying to lose yourself in your thoughts.

Of course nothing could ever be simple because when you looked over at the cow pen, you instantly dropped the bale of hay.

"No, no, no, no-" you muttered to yourself as you hurried over to the pen but by the time you got there, all the cows has already gotten out through the broken fence. "Damn it" you cursed, only able to watched the cows wandering away and spreading out like they personally hated you. You're always so good to them, what did you do to deserve this?

You were good at caring for the animals, and you enjoyed it, but you didn't know how to round them up, your father usually did that. It couldn't be too difficult right? Maybe you could teach, right now before you lose them all.

You were just about to turn to get your horse when an unfamiliar voice got your attention.

"There a problem, miss?" you turned to the voice and were greeted by a man on a horse. Everything about him screamed 'cowboy', something about him seemed dangerous but you weren't afraid, something told you that he wasn't here to cause you any harm. He looked like a man who had been working his whole life but not in a factory or on a farm, he looked like he had spent a lot of time fighting, surviving. All in all you couldn't deny that he was damn attractive.

"Ah...yeah. As you can see, the cows have gotten away. All because my father keeps putting off fixing the fence and it finally broke, I told him to fix it sooner but does he listen? No" you complained, receiving an amused look from the stranger. "I'm sorry, it's not your problem" you apologised, blushing slightly for talking without thinking.

"Want some help getting them back?" the man offered, making your head snap back up to look at him.

"No offence, Mister, but you don't look much like a farmer" your head tilted to the side curiously.

"That's because I'm not but I can round up some cattle" he assured you.

"Really? Thank you, I really appreciate it" you let out a sigh of relief, glad that this man had come by when he had.

"I don't work for free though" the man warned you.

"Oh of course, I have some cash you can have" you told him with a small smile, wondering who this man was. If he's asking for payment, maybe he does this kind of thing a lot, a lot of illegitimate work. Under the table work and all that. "Ah...but there's no point in getting the cattle back if the fence is broken" you sighed, remembering the busted fence as you gave it a look of disdain.

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