Hosea Matthew: Exhaustion

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Hosea Matthews X Female Reader

Summary: Miss Grimshaw overworks you until the point that you collapse from exhaustion, Hosea is none too pleased. He still takes it upon himself to make sure you're alright.

Word Count: 1500

It was a hot and humid day at Clemens Point and you have been working yourself to death. Some of the other women had gone into town, meaning that you had to stay in the camp instead of running jobs and doing their chores instead. It wouldn't be so bad but doing it in the sweltering heat was killing you.

You had only stopped for a moment to get yourself something cool to drink but Miss Grimshaw happened to be walking past. As soon as she saw you, she walked over and started telling you to get back to work. You just sighed and nodded before getting back to work, carrying sacks and crates over to Pearson's wagon.

Of course, Hosea had seen the whole thing and instantly frowned. You had been working far too hard with too few breaks considering the heat, he didn't like it at all.

- - - - -

Placing down yet another heavy crate, you stoop up straight again but suddenly went lightheaded. You grabbed the side of the wagon and tried to lean against it but your legs had already buckled and your vision went black.

Hosea was already out of his seat when he saw you grab for the wagon, looking unsteady on your feet. However, he didn't make it in time. He only managed to get to your side as you fell to the ground.

"Y/n?" Hosea asked as he knelt down on the ground and placed your head in his lap, getting no response from you. He felt your forehead and checked your pulse, not looking up as Dutch and Miss Grimshaw hurried over.

"What happened?" Miss Grimshaw asked, making Hosea look up at her with a glare, surprising both her and Dutch.

"She's either overheated or just passed out from pure exhaustion. Something that you should have been watching for considering how you've been treating her today" Hosea informed them.

"Will she be alright?" Dutch asked, while Susan gave Hosea a look of surprise.

"She'll be fine, just needs to get some good rest" Hosea nodded. "And Miss Grimshaw, I suggest you leave her alone for a while, until I tell you she is ready to go back to work. You also owe her an apology. Just because the other women are absent doesn't mean that she has to take on all their chores. I'm sure anything you had her do could've waited" he warned, and it was a warning, there was a clear threat behind his words.

"I needed-" Miss Grimshaw didn't get the chance to explain herself.

"It doesn't matter what you needed. I saw you both earlier. She had took a break for a couple of minutes to get herself a drink and you scolded her until she got back to work" Hosea reminded her.

"I di-" Miss Grimshaw tried to speak again but he didn't want to hear it.

"Enough, it doesn't matter. We can discuss this later, I have to make sure she is alright" Hosea spoke sternly, leaving no room for argument.

Miss Grimshaw pressed her lips together in a thin line and bit back any argument she had, she really didn't want anything bad to happen to you. She had to accept defeat on this one.

Carefully, Hosea lifted you off of the ground and carried you back to your tent. Dutch was actually a little surprised that he could still do that. Everyday he is reminded not to underestimate his dear friend.

Admittedly, Hosea wanted to give Miss Grimshaw more than a piece of his mind but he had to focus on you and make sure you were alright. You were his number one priority.

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