The Van der Linde Gang: Trans

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The Van der Linde Gang & Trans Male Reader

Summary: Someone in the gang finds out.

WARNINGS: transphobia, bad parent-child relationship

A/N: I hope that this is alright, please let me know if anything is too inaccurate. I wanted to make it somewhat accurate to the time period, obviously the last thing I want to do is cause any offence or anything like that. Love you all!

Word Count: 1800

It wasn't too long after you joined the gang when you found yourself at the centre of a conversation. You were sitting around the campfire with all of the other men, drinking and talking. It was all lighthearted until the spotlight was put onto you.

"So, what's your story boy?" Bill asked as he lowered the beer bottle from him mouth.

"Me?" you asked with slightly widened eyes, seeing that all the men were now looking at you. You didn't like being the centre of attention. It was true that you were much more confident than you used to be and your confidence grows every day, but you still weren't completely comfortable with this.

"Well, yeah. How did you end up a criminal? How'd ya meet Dutch? You haven't told us" Bill clarified his question.

"Ah...I guess my story is the same as everyone else's" you shrugged and you weren't lying, your story was very similar to many other members of the gang. Nothing special.

"C'mon, the boys are bored, just tell 'em a story and it'll be over" Uncle encouraged you to just give them what they wanted.

"Alright. I left home when I was a teenager for the usual reasons. My parents didn't like who I was, wanted me to live a life that wasn't right for me...turned nasty when I wouldn't play by their rules" you gave in and started your story, knowing that it would be very interesting. "So, I left and had nowhere to go. Started travelling and committing petty crimes to survive, started running cons when I learnt that I could earn more cash from that. Cut to a few years later and I met Dutch" you told them.

"Why'd he invite ya to join the gang?" Sean asked.

"I guess he saw something in me, I'm a good pickpocket and decent conman. I helped him out with a job and he gave me somewhere to stay" you shrugged.

"So that's your story, huh? Ran away from home and committed petty crimes until Dutch took ya in?" John asked but he wasn't judging at all, it was a common story among the Van der Linde gang. Dutch had a habit of taking lost souls under his wing.

"It was a little more difficult than that but yeah, that's the short version. All of that for me to become the man I am today" you smiled at them before taking a sip from your drink. "I told ya it was a boring story" you had warned them.

"There's something more to you, I know it. More to your story" Micah squinted suspiciously at you.

"There really isn't" you assured him. Why was he so interested anyway? Probably just trying to get under your skin.

"We'll figure you out one day, hermano" Javier joked as he stood up, patting your shoulder before walking away.

You smiled again before taking another drink, the conversation around the campfire drifting back into lighthearted laughter.

You couldn't help getting a small smile on your face when Javier calls you 'hermano', when Dutch or Hosea call you 'son', or even when Bill or Micah call you 'boy', it's a strangely pleasant feelings. It's give you the same affirming feeling that you get when somebody calls you 'Mister' or 'Sir'. It's just a good feeling.

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