Arthur Morgan: Draw Me

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: just a silly little thing based on that iconic Titanic scene.

WARNINGS: suggestiveness but no smut.

Word Count: 1000

You and Arthur had rented a hotel room for the night, which wasn't uncommon for the two of you. Whenever the two of you had some time you would try to get away together, and whenever you had some spare cash you would rent a room.

You had slipped on Arthur's shirt to laze around for a little while without having to be completely naked. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself when you spotted Arthur's hat hung up on the bedpost, the image already playing out in your mind.

Leaning forward, you grabbed the hat from the bedpost and placed it on your head. You stood from the bed, straightening out the oversized shirt and fixing the hat on your head.

"So, Arthur...what do you think?" you asked playfully, holding onto the front of the hat and pulling it down slightly to hide your face. "You think I'd make a good Arthur Morgan?" you giggled, unable to keep up any gruff act, you imagined that you looked pretty silly.

When you got no response, you pushed the hat further back on your head and looked up at him, seeing that he was staring at you. Taking in every detail, gaze trailing from what exposed skin on your chest he could see down to your exposed legs.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" you teased, a smirk growing on your face at his reaction.

"Think I'd rather draw it" Arthur mumbled to himself as he adverted his gaze. How could one man, a scary outlaw of all people, be so adorable.

"Then do it" you shrugged.

"What?" Arthur asked, looking at you again with a slightly confused expression.

"If you want to draw me, do it. I don't mind. I'd actually like it" you told him with a smile. You loved Arthur's sketches and you knew that he had done some of you in the past, ones where you hadn't been paying attention. He had been a little embarrassed to show you them at first but you loved them.

"You would?" Arthur asked, his eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Yeah...I wanna see how you see me" you nodded, making Arthur smile.

"Alright" Arthur nodded before heading over to where he had left his satchel. He grabbed his journal before sitting down on the little couch in the hotel room.

You grinned before climbing up onto the bed in front of him. "How do ya want me, Mr Morgan?" you asked, making him blush lightly. For such a big scary cowboy, he could be so easy to fluster.

"Whatever makes you comfortable" Arthur told you.

You lifted yourself up onto your knees, the open shirt falling in a way that covered everything that needed to be covered but still hung open to reveal the skin down the centre of your chest and your stomach. Your knees spread in a straddling position as one hand held the bottom of the shirt between your legs and your other hand lifted to reposition the hat on you head.

Arthur's gaze travelled your form, lingering every now and again but you didn't mind at all. He shook his head slightly with a fond smile before putting pencil to paper.

Just as he kept looking at you to capture every detail, committing the sight to memory, you watched him work. Just as he was admiring you, you were admiring him. You loved watching him work like this, watching how focused he was, how his skilled hand moved.

The two of you continued like that for some time, you occasionally winking or smiling at him when he looked up at you. Him occasionally chastising you for moving and making you laugh.

"Alright, you're good" Arthur told you as he finished the sketch, just neatening up some lines.

You smiled as you climbed off of the bed and walked over to him, you moved to stand beside him and looked over his shoulder to see the drawing.

"If a life of crime doesn't work out, you'd make a mighty fine artist" you complimented as you admired his work.

"Nah, I ain't that good" Arthur shook his head, never able to take sincere compliment or see his positive traits.

"You are talented, Arthur. You just have to accept it" you insisted as you took the journal out of his hands to get a closer look at it. "It's've been very kind" you smiled at the drawing of yourself, you had to admit that he had made you look good.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're beautiful" Arthur frowned a little but you just looked at him and smiled.

You placed the journal down on the couch beside Arthur before moving to straddle his lap, draping your arms over his shoulders as he hands settled comfortably on your hips, like they were meant to be there.

"Maybe next can try your hand at drawing a nude piece?" you suggested with a soft hum, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.

"You're gonna be the death of me, darlin'" Arthur groaned as he rested his forehead against your shoulder.

"I'm going to take that as a yes" you chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair.

"Maybe something else to take care of first" he murmured before beginning to trail kisses up your neck.

You smiled as he pulled back slightly, capturing your lips in a kiss. His hands slid down to the back of your thighs, lifting you up with ease as he stood up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping one arm around his shoulders while you lifted your other hand to remove his hat from your head and toss it down to land on the couch.

Arthur carried you over to the bed, laying you down on the comfortable mattress, his body following yours down as he settled comfortably between your legs. Your hands ran up his bare back, pulling him closer to you as you returned his heated kiss.

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