Micah Bell: Gotta Protect You

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: The Van der Linde gang found you when they found Sadie, after killing a bunch of O'Driscolls. Micah had been the one to find you, instantly feel something new begin to bloom in his chest. So when you get hurt on your first job, everyone is surprised by his very uncharacteristic amount of concern.

Word Count: 6400

The ground under you was cold and hard as you sat, leaning back against the cold wall, with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Just listening to the movement coming from upstairs. You looked over to Sadie, who was sitting in a similar position to you, just staring at the ground in front of her.

You met Sadie about three days ago when the O'Driscolls dragged you into this ranch. They killed the man who lived here and then tossed you into the cellar, they haven't really checked on you since. That was where you met Sadie, she had been hiding down here since the O'Driscolls showed up and killed her husband.

The two of you tried to support each other but honestly, neither of you were really in the right state of mind to do so. You tried to comfort her about her husband, letting her cry into your shoulder. Both of you just kept reassuring each other that everything was going to be fine, even if neither of you were feeling too confident.

You flinched when the gunshots started, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to figure out what was going on. Had somebody attacked them? If so, you just hoped they were better than the men who had been keeping you here. You and Sadie remained silent, shuffling closer to each other for some comfort.

After some shouting and more gunshots, you could hear footsteps and people searching through things. They were raiding the house. Then it went silent...did they leave?

"Are they gone?" you asked quietly, looking to Sadie.

"...stay here, I'll go check" Sadie told you before beginning to stand up.

"What? No" your eyes widened as you grabbed her arm, not wanting her to get hurt.

"It'll be alright" Sadie assured you as he pulled her arm out of your grasp.

"Sadie..." you reached for her again.

"I'll be back in a minute" she promised, pushing you back down against the wall before sneaking off.

You had only known her for three days but you could already see that the loss of her husband had messed with her sense of self preservation, you had to stop her from attempting to attack the O'Driscolls when you first met. But you really didn't blame her. In a way, you respected her. Even now, she was braver than you were.

You couldn't help but tear up a little as you watched her leave the cellar, you didn't want anything to happen to her. You wanted to go after her but you were scared, you could admit that.

Sudden sounds from upstairs made you jump. Muffled voices and things smashing snapped you into action. You jumped to your feet and hurried over to the entrance of the cellar to listen to what was going on, only to flinch them there was another smash.

"Oh you fool, Micah!" a man's voice barked, muffled through the wood. "Miss, now it is gonna be okay. We mean you no harm" he must have been talking to Sadie now.

"Why you keep looking back at the cellar, huh?" a different voice asked, "You hiding something down there?"

"No" Sadie's voice made you perk up. She was okay! And God, she was protecting you. You needed to find a way to help her, she could be in trouble.

"We need to get out of here" the first man warned.

"I'll be right with ya, Dutch. Gonna go check this out" the second man told him.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant