Sean MacGuire: English

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Sean MacGuire X Female Reader

Summary: You're a new member of the Van der Linde gang and their loud Irishman just doesn't like you and you have no idea why.

Word Count: 3100

When you first joined the gang, Sean had greeted you with a friendly smile and cheerful demeanour. And why wouldn't he? As soon as he saw you, he saw a beautiful woman who could hold her own in a gun fight, of course he was already thinking of ways to win you over.

Though, that didn't last all that long. It was the very same night, you had sat around the fire and the gang has been asking you questions to get to know you better. You were honest, telling them how you met Dutch and where you came from. That's when Sean seemed to distance himself from you. All because you had mentioned that you were from England, that you had grown up just outside of London. Why that put a sour look on his face, you had no idea.

But you seemed to get along with everyone else, feeling right at home. Which had led some other members of the gang to ask Sean what his problem with you was, why he was always making snappy comments, being rude to you, or going more quiet when you were around.

Sean was never straight mean to you, he just didn't seem to like you all that much. And you had no idea what you did to upset him.


You were walking past Dutch's tent, minding your own business, when one of the men standing there called out to you. "Ah, Miss L/n, there you are" Dutch's voice got your attention, making you turn to see him standing with a slightly frustrated looking Sean.

"Dutch? Did you need something?" you asked as you walked over to them.

"Yes. Mr MacGuire here caught wind of a possible score and, well, everyone else seems to be busy. I thought I'd give you a chance to run it together, maybe sort out whatever tensions are going on between you both" Dutch told you, in a way that sounded nice enough but you knew didn't leave you a choice.

"Tensions? I can assure you, Dutch, I don't have anything against Sean. I'd be happy to check out the score with him" you accepted the job with a small smile and a nod. It was true, you knew that Sean didn't like you much but you didn't feel the same way about him. You stayed away because you knew he wasn't your biggest fan but you really didn't have anything against the man.

"Well, good! Sean will tell you the details, I'm sure" Dutch smiled and clapped Sean on the shoulder.

"Alright, English, let's go" Sean gestured for you to follow him as he began to walk away.

You nodded politely at Dutch before following Sean. "So, what did you find?" you asked as you caught up with the Irishman, heading towards the horses.

"I was riding around, couple days back, and I come across this old cabin, couple of fuckers about lazing outside all liquored up. I didn't think nothing of it but then I come across this hunter down by the river and he tells me they're a stick up crew. Says they hit a train a couple of days back near Emerald Ranch. Nice feller he was...shared a bottle we did...then I robbed the bastard blind" Sean told you, seemingly amusing himself with the last part of his tale.

"Quite the story teller, Mr MacGuire" you complimented with a small chuckle but he didn't respond as you reached the horses. "And the information is good?" you asked as you both mounted up.

"No reason to not believe him and if he's right it'll be a big haul for us" Sean shrugged. "I saw three of them, maybe more, but I reckon two of us could take them real easy. Even you, English" he assured you, though it wasn't without a little edge to his tone.

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