Arthur Morgan: Gone Missing

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Arthur Morgan & Infant Female Reader

Summary: The Braithwaites take Jack and you, Arthur's adopted baby girl.

Word Count: 2000

It was pretty late in the afternoon as Arthur sat on his cot with you sitting on his lap, just about able to hold yourself up. You were only a few months old but sometimes, just from the way you looked at him as if you knew something about him, made him feel like you were older than that. You weren't even a year old yet but you had spent most of you life as a member of the gang.

In the quiet moments like this, Arthur often reflected on your short time together and how attached you back become to him, how attached you became to each other. You used to cry for him whenever somebody else was trying to care for you, it scared him at first, the new responsibility, but now he wouldn't change it for the world.

"Hey Arthur?" Abigail's voice got Arthur's attention, making him look up to see her and Jack stepping into the tent. "Is Y/n awake? Jack wants to see the baby, is that okay?" she asked.

"Sure. Do you mind watching them? I need to talk with Dutch about something" Arthur nodded as he stood from the cot.

"Of course, no problem" Abigail smiled, ushering Jack further into the tent. Arthur placed you down in your cot before stepping out of his tent and walking over to Dutch.

Arthur's tent was on the outskirts of the camp since you joined them. It was mainly so the camp didn't keep you awake and so that you wouldn't wake anyone up if you cried. Arthur didn't mind, it was easier for him to sleep as well.

Just as Arthur was finishing his conversation with Dutch about a possible job, their attentions where turned to Abigail, who was hurrying over to them both, panic written all over her face.

"Arthur! Dutch! The kids! Th-they're gone" Abigail exclaimed as she reached the two men.

"What do you mean 'they're gone'?" Dutch asked, his brow furrowing. Children don't just disappear, and definitely not an infant.

"I went to check on them and they were gone. I can't find them anywhere" Abigail explained.

"What do you mean? I thought you were with them?" Arthur asked. Surely Abigail was joking or making a mistake somehow, you and Jack couldn't just disappear? What was she talking about?

"I left for a minute to-" Abigail started but didn't get the chance to finish her explanation.

"I told you to watch them" Arthur told her, surprising both Abigail and Dutch with the sternness in his voice.

"My child is missing too, Arthur" Abigail reminded him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"They couldn't just go missing" Dutch spoke up before the two of them could start arguing.

"Kieran saw a couple of fellers hanging around..." Hosea informed them as he walked over, having only heard the end of their conversation but having a good idea of what had happened. "...sounds like Braithwaite boys" he told them.

"They...they took my son?" Abigail asked, looking between the three men.

"We will find him, we will bring him back to you" Dutch assured, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Dutch-" Arthur started but didn't get a chance to finish.

"We will find Y/n as well, don't you worry about that. And we will kill any fool that had the temerity to touch on hair on either of their heads. You have my word" Dutch turned to him and placed his hand on Arthur's shoulder instead, hoping to reassure him at least a little.

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