Kieran Duffy: Bad Day Part 2

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Kieran Duffy X Female Reader

Summary: this time you're having a bad day and Kieran wants to fix that


Word Count: 1300

All day you've been running around for one person or another. Dutch sends you on a job, you have to deal with a group of O'Driscolls, you come back to the camp and just want to sit down but Miss Grimshaw suddenly decides that you haven't been doing enough, and then having to spend the rest of your day doing chores. At this point you were just tired and irritated.

As soon as you returned to the camp, Kieran knew that something was right, that you needed to just take a break. He only frowned as he watched Miss Grimshaw give you a list of chores to do.

It was later in the evening now and you had finally got the change to just sit down. Many people had turned in for the night while overs were on guard duty, but you were sitting alone at the campfire.

"Uh, hey Y/n" Kieran walked up to you, his shy voice bring you out of your thoughts.

"Hey" you greeted him a little coldly but you weren't looking at him so you didn't see the hurt flash behind his eyes.

"Ar-are you alright? We haven't really talked today but you seemed...annoyed when you got back to the camp" Kieran asked, concern clear in his voice.

You sighed quietly, feeling bad for being a little cold towards him, he was just so sweet and didn't deserve that.

"I'm sorry, Kieran. I've just have a bad day. I've barely had a moment to just sit down, somebody always wanted something. I'm just tired" you apologised.

"It's okay, I understand" Kieran assured you, his demeanour suddenly turning even more nervous.

"Is everything okay?" you frowned slightly, noticing his change.

"Uh yeah...I was just wondering..." Kieran shifted his weight, adverting his gaze from yours. "...maybe I could help you? Li-like you helped me?" he suggested, making you smile. You were always just so in awe with Kieran, so kind and sweet. How on earth did he get involved with the outlaw lifestyle.

"Yeah, that would be nice" you nodded and Kieran smiled as you stood from your seat. You took your hand in yours, lacing your fingers through his, and guided him towards your tent.

Stepping into the tent, you turned around and tied the canvas shut behind you. You turned back around and saw Kieran watching you, playing with his hands nervously.

"Why are you so nervous?" you asked, not making fun of him, just curious, as you approached him.

"I-I'm not, I mean...I just like you a lot" Kieran blushed, looking down at the ground.

"Well, good because I like you too" you smiled as you cupped his face in your hands, brushing your thumbs against his cheeks.

"I don't want to mess anything up" Kieran confessed.

"Kieran, you aren't going to mess anything up. You're wonderful" you assured him before pressing a short kiss to his lips. "I promise" you whispered against his lips before kissing him again, properly this time. He relaxed as he kissed you back, placing his hands on your waist

~NSFW Starts Here~

You deepened the kiss, slipping your hands under his jacket and pushing it over his shoulders. Kieran took the hit and removed his jacket, dropping it to the floor as you removed your own, discarding of it as well.

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