You Have Tourette's

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Arthur has met a lot of people, a lot of people that he doesn't understand or finds 'odd'. Yes, your tourettes catch him off guard and he isn't sure what to say but you seem to act like it's a normal thing so he does as well. He just accepts that it's a part of you, it doesn't really matter to him. Once you get to know each other more and you have a tic, he will finally ask about it. Once you explain it to him, he just nods and accepts it. He already accepted you and now he had as close to an explanation he could get, that was good enough for him. He never thinks any less of you. He slowly starts to notice that stress, anxiety, and even just tiredness can cause your tics to get worse. It doesn't seem to bother you all that much, since you're used to it, but Arthur wants to help anyway. He just cares and even if you didn't have tourettes he would want to ease any stress/anxiety you had or make sure you get enough rest, you just find it harder to hide those things.


Dutch is more likely to ask about it when you first meet than Hosea but he wouldn't purposely offend you. He assures you that there is still a place in the gang for you, tourettes or not, you're welcome there. He can tell when your tics are getting worse and will want to help in anyway he can. He has a need to make things better, even when you assure him that you're alright. Would just sitting in his tent with him help? Some pleasant conversation or some reading? Would that help lessen some of your tics and help you relax? If so, what are you waiting for? Dutch would appreciate some time with you by yourself anyway.


When you first meet, it's an easy thing to pick on you for. He respects that his taunting doesn't seem to bother you. What get's his attention is what you say. He knows that you can't help it and that you don't always mean it but he finds it hilarious when you randomly insult someone or call them a name. Maybe that's what makes him hang around you some more, maybe it's something else, he's not sure. He slowly becomes used to your tics until something you say get's his attention. It's a slow process because he's not very patient but there's something that keeps him around. He's not sure when it happened but there was a point where he realised that he wouldn't have you any other way. If you're out of the camp and somebody comments on it, Micah will instantly defend you. You've got to make sure he doesn't get into a fight.


Charles definitely isn't the type of person to judge you for something like that, for something you can't control. So he won't see you any differently for your tourettes. He's a very observant person and notices when your tics seem to become stronger or more frequent, so be begins to get an idea of what makes your condition worsen. If your tics get worse when your under stress, Charles will actively try to get you out of the stressful situation. It isn't so much to get your tics to stop, they are a part of you and he accepts and loves them as that, but he doesn't like seeing you getting stressed, anxious, or frustrated.


Javier doesn't really mind your tourettes. It caught him off guard at first but you acted like it was normal so he did as well. He would eventually ask about it, just out of curiosity and listen intently as you explained it. As you grow closer, Javier begins to notice what makes your tics worsen and become more prominent. Once he understands what makes your tics worsen, he tries his best to help out. He'll try to ease your stress or anxiety, tell you to get some rest when you're overly tired, he cares about you and just wants to make sure that you're alright, even if you tell him that you're perfectly fine.


It's something that catches Sean off guard at first, which is something that you're used too but he surprisingly plays it off well. He laughs it off and doesn't treat you any differently, he is a little curious about it and we all know that he can't keep his mouth shut. So he will probably ask a few questions, he means absolutely no harm though. Sean has a bit of a habit of playing off of your verbal tics, sometimes he doesn't even realise it was a tic. If you say something he finds amusing, he'll just go along with it as if it made sense and joking about with you. It always ends up with you both laughing.

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