The Van der Linde Gang: Multilingual

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The Van der Linde Gang & Female Reader

Summary: You speak English to everyone in the gang...except Micah, just to annoy him.

There are probably a lot of mistakes in the translations so I apologise in advance!

Word Count: 1700

You had joined the Van der Linde gang a short time before Blackwater but even as a new recruit you seemed to enjoy dedicating your time to annoying Micah. Ever since you met him, you knew the type of man he was. You didn't like him, not one bit, and you simply didn't want anything to do with him.

The first time you seemed to commit yourself to your new plan was when the gang was plotting for a smaller score before Blackwater, you were talking to Javier about what you thought the best course of action would be.

"I dunno, I think it would be better to surround the camp rather than ambush it from one side. I see what you're saying and it would probably work, I just think this would be quicker and easier. Quieter even" you hummed, checking out the map one more time for any entrance points you might have missed.

"You're probably right, we should talk to Dutch, see what he thinks" Javier agreed with a small nod.

"Don't think you need to bother Dutch 'bout this" Micah's voice made you both sigh, turning to him as he wandered up to you both. "Can the two of you not even make that simple decision? Maybe I should take the lead on this one" he taunted.

"Como decía, un grupo debería ir a la derecha y el otro a la izquierda" you spoke after a short pause, turning all of your attention to Javier, as if Micah wasn't even there. Javier raised an eyebrow at you before following suit, listening to what you were saying in Spanish. 'As I was saying, one group should go to the right and the other to the left'.

"Los rodeamos y luego los emboscamos" you continued, suggesting that you surround the camp and then ambush them. "Eso estaría mejor. Menos desordenado" you told him that it would be better that way, less messy.

Javier couldn't help but be amused by your quick change of language and he just had to play along with it.

"Estoy de acuerdo. Vamos a hacer eso" Javier agreed with your plan and to do it that way.

"Real mature, you two" Micah scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Lo siento, Sr. Bell, no entiendo" you turned back to Micah and tilted your head to the side in an innocent gesture. Micah just squinted at you, confused.

"She said that she doesn't understand" Javier translated for you.

"What?" Micah's face scrunched up in both confusion and frustration.

"Realmente desearía poder ayudar pero no entiendo" you continued the act.

"She said that she really wishes she could help but she doesn't understand" Javier translated again, trying not to laugh.

"I'm not stupid, I've seen ya speaking English to everyone else, I just heard you speaking English before coming over here" Micah huffed.

"No sé qué decirte. Simplemente no me gustas y no quiero hablar contigo" you shrugged, telling him that you didn't know what to tell him, that you just didn't like him and didn't want to talk to you. A language he didn't understand making it so easy for you to be honest.

"Forget it. Just don't mess this job up" Micah snapped before walking away.

"You're funny" Javier complimented with a small laugh.

"Thank you" you smiled brightly. "Now, what were we talking about?" you asked as you turned back to the map and plans. Javier laughed again before the two of you went back to discussing the plan.

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