Sadie Adler: Ain't An O'Driscoll

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Sadie Adler X Female Reader

Summary: Being mistaken for an O'Driscoll, the Van der Linde gang take you hostage until you give them the information they want. No matter what you say, nobody will believe you, but a certain blond haired outlaw knows that you're telling the truth. You two just so happen to get each other's attention.

Word Count: 4900

Walking right into the small O'Driscoll camp with your hand hovering over your the gun on your hip, you watched with the smallest of smirks as the group of men started to approach you. Being outnumbered wasn't a concern of yours.

What you hadn't planned on was the gunshots that rang out, especially when neither you or any of the O'Driscolls pulled the trigger. You, along with the group of O'Driscolls, cursed and hurried to find somewhere to take cover.

You dropped down behind a large rock on the edge of the camp, watching the scene with a furrowed brow. A group of unfamiliar men had ambushed the O'Driscoll camp and were effectively taking them all out. It wasn't long before the O'Driscolls that you were about to face were dead.

Knowing better than to hang around, you were about to slip away but stilled when you felt the familiar feeling of the barrel of a gun being pressed against the back of your head.

"Stand up and don't do anything stupid" the man behind you ordered, roughly nudging the back of your head with the barrel of the gun. You just sighed as you stood up, raising your hands in surrender. "Dutch! I found a live one" he ushered you out into the middle of the camp, where the unfamiliar men, who had ambushed the camp, surrounded you.

"Wonderful, maybe she'll have the information we need" the man, you assumed Dutch, smiled in away that you thought was meant to be threatening. "If you tell us what we need to know, maybe we'll let you live. Where's Colm?" he asked. You assumed he was their leader.

"Colm? Colm O'Driscoll?" you asked, brow furrowing in confusion.

"Obviously" Dutch rolled his eyes.

"I don't know and I don't work for that bastard" you told him.

"Then what are you doing in an O'Driscoll camp?" Dutch asked.

"The same as you. Came here to kill 'em" you shrugged.

"On your own? Against all these men? I doubt it" Dutch scoffed, the rest of his men seemed unconvinced as well.

"I can handle it, let me go and I'll prove it" you smirked slightly.

"You're outnumbered. There are five of us and only one of you" Dutch reminded you, gesturing to the men that surrounded you.

"I like those odds" you taunted, seeming to be truly unfazed by the men around you.

"If you aren't going to cooperate...fine. But we will get that information out of you" Dutch threatened. "Arthur, deal with her" he ordered one of the men.

The man beside him, Arthur, walked up to you and pulled you away from the man behind you that was now holstering his gun. Arthur tied your hands behind your back and the next thing you knew, you had been thrown over the back of Arthur's horse.

They rode back to their camp, where you were pulled off of the horse roughly, only to then be tied to a tree.

A man, who's name you learnt was Javier, was holding you against the tree while Arthur tied the thick rope around it.

"C'mon Arthur, put some effort into it. I ain't gonna break, make it nice and tight" you taunted. The man tugged on the rope, making you grunt as he fished tying the knots. "That's better. I was beginning to think I would have to do it myself" you chuckled to yourself as the two men stepped away from you.

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