Dutch Van der Linde & Arthur Morgan: Dutch's Plan Part 3

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader
(Past) Dutch Van der Linde X Female Reader

Summary: Seven years after the end of the Van der Linde gang, Dutch checks up on two people from his old life.

Word Count: 1600

After the confrontation on Mount Hagen, Dutch had a lot to think about. John, Sadie, and Charles had come to kill Micah but he was the one who ended up pulling the trigger. He still believed that John had betrayed him but he knew that Micah was no better, probably worse.

Since Arthur was not a member of the assault team, Dutch assumed that he had died up on that mountain at Beaver Hollow where he left him. But then John threw him a curve ball. Arthur was alive but didn't want to seek revenge on Micah, he wanted to focus on his new life.

Dutch knew he had to leave, hideout somewhere and start anew...but there was something he had to do first. He had to see if John was telling the truth, that Arthur was alive.

After doing some digging and getting some information, Dutch rode up to a ranch. It was close enough to town to do good business with them but far enough to give the occupants plenty of privacy. So this was where Arthur was living?

Riding up to the front gate, Dutch slowed down. He must have been in the wrong place because there was a child, a young boy about four years old, playing with a dog.

"S/n, there you are" a woman's voice get's Dutch's attention as he brings the horse to a halt.

"You can't run off like that, you have us worried sick" you remind the young boy.

"I'm sorry momma. Copper ran off and I was chasing him" your son apologised.

"It's alright, just try not to go out of sight. Okay?" you asked. He was a good kid, you didn't need chastise him for this.

"Okay, momma" your son nodded.

Dutch could only watch in silence, you tending to the child...your son. It didn't feel real, like it was a dream. No, more like a nightmare. You were beautiful, just as beautiful as you were all those years ago. Your eyes were bright and adoring as you looked at your child, your smile easy and honest.

You ran your hand over your son's head, neatening his hair up, before becoming aware of somebody's eyes on you. You looked up and completely froze when you saw the man sitting on top of the horse, just on the other side of the gate to your ranch. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. A man that you hadn't even thought about for years.

"S/n...go see your father" you told your son. The boy looked between you and the stranger before nodding and running away, going to find his father. "What are you doing here?" you asked before you could even think.

"...John told me that Arthur was alive, I came to see for myself" Dutch told you as he dismounted his horse but something didn't seem right with that answer.

"Why do you even care? You left him to die. Twice" you recalled, something that you could never forgive him for.

"That's why I had to see" Dutch explained. "The boy...he's yours?" he asked as he walked up to the gate.

"Yes" you nodded.

"Is he Arthur's?" Dutch asked.

"Yes, he is" you nodded again before pausing. "You should leave" you told him. He was a part of your past, you didn't want him to be a part of your life now.

"Y/n..." Dutch said your name for the first time in years. It was painful to say, bringing up old memories, but it didn't sound the same to you.

"Y/n. S/n said you were talking to a man-" Arthur's voice made you both look at him, but he completely stopped when he saw the man you were talking to. "Dutch?" he asked in complete disbelief.

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