Arthur Morgan: Inhibitions

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Alpha!Arthur Morgan X Female Omega!Reader

Summary: An early heat combined with an oncoming rut? It can only really result in one thing...

WARNINGS: NSFW/smut, A/B/O Dynamics

Word Count: 5600

It wasn't always easy being an unclaimed Omega in a gang that mostly consisted of Alphas. Don't get it wrong, it wasn't all bad, it did give you a sense of safety, having so many Alphas around, but it wasn't always so simple.

Usually, everything was fine. The alpha's were respectful and didn't harass you, all but one anyway. It got a little more uncomfortable when once of them was approaching their rut but they normally left the camp when that time was coming up, it was better for everyone that way.

You used to have to leave the camp when your heat came along, the alphas could smell it on you and it would rile them up, at least one trying to use it to take advantage of you. When you had to leave, normally one of the betas would go with you to make sure nothing bad happened. However, you hadn't needed to do that recently.

Whenever you went into your heat now, something that you could handle if it weren't for the overzealous alphas, a certain somebody would remain by your side. You had gone into a heat that surprised you not so long back and it obviously got the attention of some of the alphas, most ignored it, some made some comments, but it was Micah that tried to use it against you.

Arthur nearly killed him, coming to your defence in a matter of seconds. Ever since that event, you hadn't needed to leave the camp because Arthur wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of you. He was an alpha but had the decency to control himself, even if he struggled with it at times, and he was looking out for you.

Having Arthur around during those times was great, there was no chance of any other alpha bothering you because he wouldn't allow it, he was surprisingly protective of you considering he has no reason to be, but it was also torture. You have always found his scent overwhelming, more so than any other alpha you have met. It made your head fuzzy on a normal day so when you were in heat, it nearly made you pass out.

In the past, your heats hadn't been too bad. Irritating and a nuisance for sure but they only ever caused some discomfort, it was never overwhelming like you had heard it could be. However, they had been getting worse recently, stronger and lasting for longer periods of time. You weren't sure why but it driving you mad, you hated it, and it made it so difficult to be around Arthur but he never left your side during those times. Too protective for reasons you still didn't understand.

- - - - -

Arthur was packing up his horse, loading only what he needed onto it's back, clearly packing for a long trip. This had caught Hosea's attention, thinking that Arthur making a trip around this time was unlikely. There was no way he was leaving you here, unless he hadn't realised what day it was.

"You going somewhere?" Hosea asked as he walked up to the younger man.

"Yeah, need to get out of the camp for a few days" Arthur told him and he nodded in understanding, his rut must have been approaching.

"Have you told Y/n?" Hosea asked.

"No, why?" Arthur's brow furrowed slightly in confusion as he turned to the other man.

"Don't you think you should tell her? So she can make arrangements, she can't stay in the camp if you're not here" Hosea frowned, sure that Arthur must have forgotten.

"Why not-oh" Arthur's face dropped as he realised what the older man was telling him.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Hosea sighed.

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