Arthur Morgan: Sympathetic Insecurities

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Chubby!Arthur Morgan X Chubby!Female Reader

Summary: Arthur has been having a hard time with some new found insecurities. He never would have guessed that you struggled with the same thing.

Word Count: 1400

Things at the camp had been good, easier than anyone could ever remember them being. Nobody knew how long it would last so they were trying to make the most of it, everyone taking the opportunity to relax and let their guards down for just a moment.

For once, Arthur wasn't running around every minute of everyday without having the time to even just sit down. It also meant that he was spending more time around the camp, which he thought was a good thing at first but he was beginning to wish he had more excuses to leave.

It was no secret that the men in the camp liked to joke around, usually at another man's expense. Mostly it was harmless, other times it could be a little much. The most common victims of the gang's comments were Bill and Sean, Sean didn't seemed bothered by it at all but Bill was more sensitive and easily set off. But everyone had something said about them at some point during the day.

Arthur knew that he wasn't immune to it, he received his fair share of comments. Usually it had something to do with him being quiet or grumpy, other times it was people calling him stupid but that never bothered him. The thing was that Arthur had put on a bit of weight, he had noticed but it hadn't bothered him all that much...until the comments started rolling in. Some were a little more malicious, others were meant to be playful but came off a little harsh, some were just observations.

He didn't like to admit it, because he thought it was so juvenile, but it was bothering him. It wasn't like he had the most confidence to begin with and now everyone just seemed to be beating him down even more. Or maybe it was his own insecurities and paranoia blowing it out of proportion. Either way, it was effecting him.


You hadn't heard the words spoken but you did cringe at the sight. Sean has said something, laughed, and then proceeded to pat Arthur's stomach. What bothered you was Arthur's reaction, it was subtle but you noticed. How he stepped back and the smallest frown formed on his face. Sean just walked away, laughing to himself, as Arthur muttered under his breath and started heading in your direction.

"Hey, Arthur" you greeted Arthur with a smile, making him stop and turn to you. It was clear that you had brought him out of his thoughts, and you wondered what he was thinking about. "Are you alright?" you asked.

"Uh, yeah. Why'd you ask?" Arthur nodded, brushing off your concern initially.

"You just look like something is bothering you" you observed, your smile fading a little. Of course you had heard the comments that people made, most intended to be lighthearted and all in good fun but that didn't change the way it made Arthur feel and you knew that.

"Sean's just running his mouth again. Nothing new" Arthur mumbled. Comments didn't normally get to him and he honestly felt a little embarrassed that he was letting this stuff bother him.

"Don't you listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about. They just need something to make themselves feel better, try not to take it too personally" you advised sympathetically, just hoping that he could find some comfort in your words.

"Nah, they're probably right about something..." Arthur shook his head, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Arthur" you sighed as you placed your hand on his arm in a comforting manner. "I know it ain't my place but you really shouldn't listen to them. They probably don't mean any harm but I've heard them talking, seen how it bothers you. If I'm being completely honest with you, I kinda like that you've put on a bit of weight" you confessed, dropping your hand from his arm again.

"Yeah?" Arthur scoffed, clearly not believing you or thinking that you were just messing with him. "Why's that?" he asked, completely unconvinced, like he thought that you were lying right to his face.

"You're always running around after people, not even having the time to eat or sleep. I'm glad that you're finding the time to actually look after yourself now. And, just in case you needed to hear it, there is nothing wrong with the way you look" you told him sincerely, meaning every word.

"I didn't think so either. I mean, it couldn't get much worse, could it?" Arthur attempted to joke but it only made you frown. "But people sure like to comment on it. Even the damn shopkeeper made a joke when I went to buy a new shirt. It wasn't even that my other's were too small, just had a massive tear in it" he huffed in annoyance. You were glad that he was opening up to you but more saddened that he was bothered by all this stuff. Most of all, you were sympathetic.

"Oh yeah...I hate shopping. For me it's not the shopkeeper though, it's the other customers. I pick out a shirt and see all these smaller women just...looking at me. I don't shop much anymore" you confessed, hoping that he would feel better if he knew that he wasn't alone in those feeling.

"I-" Arthur began to talk, his face falling slightly, but was interrupted.

"Arthur!" Dutch's voice cut the two of you off.

"I'm sorry, I've got to-" Arthur began to apologised but you just smiled.

"No problem, I understand. I'll see you later" you assured him.

"See ya later" Arthur nodded and gave you a small smile before heading off to see what Dutch wanted.


It was a couple days after that short talk with Arthur that you returned to your tent that night to see a blouse neatly folded on your cot, a note sitting on top of it. You picked up the note curious, seeing a simple message.

I hope you like it, I ain't got much taste in clothes ~ Arthur

Arthur had...gotten you a blouse? You couldn't help but blush a little and smile at the kind gesture.

Placing down the note, you unfolded the blouse to get a better look at it. It was a nice blouse, simple but with a certain elegance. Something about it made you smile, maybe it was trying to picture Arthur standing in the store looking for a woman's blouse that he liked or thought would suit you. It was sweet.

The next morning, after getting dressed, your first thought was to find Arthur and thank him for the gift. Luckily enough, you found him pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Arthur" you said his name to get his attention, making him turn to face you.

"Y/n...mornin'" Arthur greeted you with a polite nod.

"I saw your gift. Thank you, it's really beautiful. You didn't have to get me anything, though" you really weren't sure why he had bought you something in the first place.

"Don't worry about it, it's not a problem. I just...thought it would suit you. I'm glad you like it" Arthur smiled, happy to hear that you approved of the gift. "I'm sure it'll look better on ya though. I asked Mary-Beth for your size so that I could get you something nice. Y'know, since you don't like shopping" he explained. You couldn't help but cringe at the thought of him knowing your size, and he noticed the reaction. "You're beautiful" he blurted out, looking like he hadn't expected the words either.

"What?" you looked up at him with wide eyes and pink cheeks, surprise all over your face.

"I just...I never realised that you ever worried about the way you looked...because you shouldn't. I hope you don't mind me sayin' but I've always thought you were, well, gorgeous" Arthur complimented, now blushing as well.

"I...thank you, Arthur" you were sure that your face was on fire. "Just for the record...I think you're very handsome. I thought that when I met you and I still think that now" you assured him honestly.

"Would you to come into town with me later?" Arthur asked, sounding like he really wasn't sure what your answer would be.

"I'd like that a lot" you nodded with a smile. "I'll wear the blouse you got me" you told him a little teasingly. Arthur blushed at that but still smiled, already thinking about where he would take you for your date. Wait, it was a date, wasn't it?

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