Micah Bell: Lookin' out for ya

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Micah has been extra protective since you became pregnant so when you end up getting into some trouble, he isn't wasting a second before going to get you.

Word Count: 2800

The sun seeped in through the gaps in the canvas of your tent, the sound of the camp slowly walking up coming from outside. But you were still asleep, tucked into Micah's side as he held you close with an arm wrapped around you.

Micah doesn't sleep all that much, he never did sleep well, but he had still taken to laying with you while you slept. And he could admit that he seemed to sleep better these days than he used too, ever since the two of you gotten together.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt you stir. "Mornin'" you mumbled sleepily as you shifted comfortably. "You have that job this morning, don't you?" you lifted your head to look up at him.

"Not for another couple of hours, don't worry" Micah assured you, stroking his hand up and down your side. "You gonna miss me when I'm gone?" he asked with a smirk.

"Nah, I'm sure I'll be fine" you shrugged, making him roll his eyes. "Some of the girls are going into town. I'm going to go with them" you told him, already knowing that he would have something to say about it.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Micah asked, his hand stilling on your waist.

"Don't you dare start this again" you groaned as you rolled away from him, pushing yourself up onto your hands.

"I'm just lookin' out for ya" Micah reminded you, sitting up beside you.

"I think I preferred when you didn't care" you joked.

Micah had been extremely protective since you told him that you were pregnant. He could be a little overbearing, or downright smothering, and some times it could annoy you but at the same time you thought it was sweet that he cared so much. You were just glad he wasn't pretending not to care like he had down in the early stages of your relationship.

"Hey...I never didn't care" Micah frowned slightly. He knew that he could be difficult, especially towards the beginning of your relationship, but even he was sure that he was doing better these days. At least around you, but that's all that mattered to him.

"I know, I'm just messing with ya" you assured him with a small smile, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. "But really, I'll be fine. You worry too much" you sighed as you pulled away from him again.

"It's my job to watch out for you and little Micah Bell the forth" he told you as he rested his hand on your stomach, even though there wasn't really a bump there yet.

"Could be a girl" you reminded him.

"It'll be a boy" Micah insisted.

"If I didn't love you, I'd hit you" you rolled your eyes at him.

"Guess I'm just lucky then" Micah chuckled to himself, pulling his hand away. "Seriously though, you think it's a good idea to be going?" he asked again.

"I'll be fine. I'm barely even showing and we're just going shopping. What's the worst that could happen?" you shrugged. Nobody else in the gang knew that you were pregnant yet. For now you and Micah were just keeping it between you both.

"Alright. You just be careful" Micah sighed as he gave in, knowing that he wouldn't be able to change your mind.

"I promise" you gave him another quick kiss before standing to get ready for the day.

It was later on in the morning that you were standing by the horses, saying goodbye to Micah before he went off on his job.

"Good luck. I'll see you this afternoon" you smiled as he finished adjusting Baylock's saddle and walked over to you.

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