Arthur Morgan: Make You Feel Good

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: you only like to give in the bedroom and sometimes Arthur feels a little guilty that he isn't giving enough, you quickly make him stop worrying about that though.

WARNINGS: just smut/NSFW

Word Count: 2000

It was a good evening in the camp, relaxed and laid back, when nothing had gone wrong. The members of the gang were laughing and drinking, some singing song around the fire. But you and Arthur had slipped away from the rest of the gang when everyone started drinking, both of you preferring to get to time alone.

As the rest of the gang enjoyed themselves out in the camp, you and Arthur enjoyed yourselves in the privacy of his tent with the canvas tied securely closed.

Arthur was sitting on his cot with you straddling his lap, one of his hands resting on your hip and his other tangled in your hair. The two of you shared a heated kiss as you ran your hands up his broad chest, pushing his open shirt over his shoulders and dragging is down his arms until it got stuck at his elbows.

You pull away from the kiss, only for Arthur to remove the rest of his shirt and toss it to the side. As soon as the shirt was discarded of, Arthur had his arms wrapped around you again and pulling you into another kiss that you happily returned as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

Slipping your shirt off of your body and dropping it to the side, Arthur pulled away from the kiss just to trail kisses along your jaw and down your neck. As the kisses followed the line of your collarbone, you ran your fingers through his hair, gently running your fingernails over his scalp to hear his pleased hum.

His hands slipped down your waist to rest on your hips, one hand moving to your thigh with a slight squeeze.

"Are you sure you don't want me to..." Arthur didn't need to finish his question, you both knew what he was asking. He had asked it before and whenever he asked it, you gave the same answer. The question never annoyed you, you knew that it came from a place of love and that he understood why you always answered the same.

"Arthur, we've talked about this" you sighed as you took his face in your hands, brushing your thumbs against his cheeks as you looked him in the eyes.

"I know but...I kinda feel bad" Arthur confessed, making you smile a little. That's why the question never annoyed you, it only came from him wanting nothing more than to give you what you wanted. "You're so good to me and I want to please you too" he pressed a kiss to your palm before leaning forwards, letting your hands slip around to the back of his head and neck. "Want to make you feel good" he hummed as he began to kiss your neck again.

"You do. You always do" you promised him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"But-" Arthur began to protest, lifting his head again.

"Making you feel good makes me feel good" you told him, like you've told him many times before when he needed the reassurance.

"Do you..." Arthur's question drifted off. This wasn't something that he had asked before but you knew what the question was and you thought that it was sweet of him to worry about it.

"I do" you chuckled fondly. "Think of it like...I get off on getting you off. I promise" you assured him, pressing a short peck to his lips before pulling away to look him in the eyes again. "Alright?" you asked.

"Alright. I'm not going to argue with you" Arthur chuckled slightly, happy as long as you were.

You gave him another smile before leaning in and capturing his lips in another kiss that quickly turned heated. Placing your hands on his shoulders, you pushed him down to lay back on the cot. But you moved with him, never breaking the kiss as you lay on top of him, his arm wrapping around your waist to welcome and encourage your closeness as his other hand slid up your waist.

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