Arthur Morgan: The City

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Arthur decided to accept Mary's offer for him when they met in Saint-Denis but it wasn't all that he had expected. The pair of them had grown, changed, but not together. Arthur assumes that he could just settle for this, after all there was nothing else waiting for him, this was all he could ever have. Then he met you.

Word Count: 7500

Everything happens for a reason. That's what they say anyway. Arthur was never really sure that he believed it. Things happened because they happened, there was no greater reason behind it all. He met Dutch Van der Linde because he just so happened to stumble across an angry teenager ready for a life of crime. He met Mary through another coincidence, lost her because they were from different worlds and would never work. Saw her again because she needed help with her family. It was all that simple.

So yeah, maybe everything happened for a reason but that reason wasn't anything more than other people's actions. Nothing more, nothing less.

What led him to leaving the Van der Linde gang in order to start a life with Mary was that she asked him and he said yes, as simple as that. He thought that he was doing the right thing, as did some of the other gang members, he thought that this would be the start of the rest of his life. he wasn't so sure about that and he wasn't sure how that made him feel or what to do about it.

Though maybe, just maybe, he had to go through all of that because it led him straight to you. Despite it not being under ideal circumstances. Those actions and events led him to you, maybe he should be grateful for that.


Arthur unloaded a box from the back of the wagon before turning to carry it up to his new home. He had only took a step forward before a figure suddenly came rushing around the corner and nearly ran right into him.

"Whoa, slow down" Arthur stepped backwards slightly as he secured his grip on the box, having nearly dropped it.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't see you" you apologised, your hands shooting up to catch the box and help him regain his grip on it.

Arthur finally got the chance to look at you properly as he looked down at you, getting taken back for a second. You were younger than him, perhaps more around John's age, maybe even Abigail's. You were wearing simple clothes, a blouse and a skirt, nothing flashy but you still stood out in them, and your hair was pinned up simply. The first thought that crossed Arthur's mind, no matter how much he tried to suppress it, was that you were simply stunning.

He also noticed that you had a sparkle in your eyes. That kind of sparkle that made Arthur think that life hadn't screwed you over yet.

"It's alright. Are you okay?" Arthur asked, glancing over your shoulder, wondering why you were in such a rush. A little worried that perhaps you were trying to get away from somebody.

Relaxing now that you were sure that you hadn't cause this man to drop his belongings, you looked up at him and paused. He didn't look like a city man, he looked rugged and more experienced to the world. Slightly messed up hair, a slight stubble, and beautiful blue eyes.

Shaking your head, you pushed the thoughts away. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just running late for work" you explained. "Again, I'm really sorry" you apologised again.

"It's fine, don't worry" Arthur assured you, honestly a little surprised by your sincerity. Not many people would be so apologetic for just accidentally running into somebody.

"God, I've got to go. I'll see you around" you smiled politely up at him before hurrying off again. "Sorry again, mister" you called back as you turned to give him another quick smile and a wave before running off out of sight. As suddenly as you appeared, you disappeared again.

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