Micah Bell: Welcome Home Part 2

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: John, Arthur, Dutch and Hosea finally get to see a glimpse into Micah's home life. Micah isn't so pleased about it.

Word Count: 3000

You put the baby down for a nap with a content smile on your face, while Micah watched you from the doorway of the bedroom. It felt almost surreal, watching you, his wife, tend to his daughter. It wasn't that long ago that Micah couldn't have even imagined having this be a part of his life, yet here he was.

A deep sigh made you turn around to face your husband. "I've got to head back to the camp. Show my face, y'know" Micah told you, which explained the sigh that just came from him. The more time he spent with you on the ranch, the less he wanted to leave.

"I get it, don't worry" you assured him. You knew who he was when you met him, you knew who he was when you married him, you had accepted that part of his life. "When will you be back?" you asked.

"Soon" Micah sighed again as he walked up to you. "I'll be back before you know it" he assured you as he wrapped his arm around your waist.

"You better be" you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding yourself close to him. "I'll miss you" you whispered against his lips.

"I'll miss ya too, sweetheart" Micah confessed before pressing a kiss to your lips.

"Say goodbye to your daughter before you go" you ordered gently as you pulled away from him.

"Yes ma'am" Micah joked and you rolled your eyes fondly.

Micah stepped over to your daughter's crib and you watched as he just ran his hand over her head, not wanting to wake her. Seeing them together always made you smile. You knew that Micah had hoped for a son but you also knew that he adored your baby girl, the two of you meant everything to him and you knew that. Still, that didn't stop Micah from promising that you would both have a son in the future.

Tearing his attention away from the sleeping infant, Micah turned back to you. "I won't be long" Micah promised as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him again.

You just nodded, hoping that he was right. Micah gave you another kiss, lingering for as long as he could, before leaving. You could only sigh when you heard the front door open and close.

- - - - -

When Micah arrived back at the camp, he headed straight for the donation box. After being gone for so long, he knew that he better have some cash to show for it. As he closed the box, he saw Dutch walking up at him.

"Micah, you've been gone for a while. Was a little worried you weren't coming back" Dutch commented.

Micah had been spending more and more time out of the camp and, from when they followed him to that ranch, Dutch figured that the woman they saw was about to give birth. Having the baby would explain why he was gone for so long this time, but he and Hosea had had a small debate about whether or not he was coming back this time.

"I did warn ya it was going to take a while" Micah shrugged.

"That you did" Dutch nodded. "You know you care share things with us, right son? If something's...going on, you can tell me" he spoke, making Micah pause.

"What'cha talking 'bout, Dutch?" Micah squinted at him, not liking the strange parental role he was trying to put on.

"Just saying...we're family, we don't have to hide anything" Dutch explained himself.

"I dunno what you think's goin' on, Dutch, but I ain't hiding nothin'" Micah told him. What was Dutch trying to get at?

"If you need something, don't be afraid to ask" Dutch offered, not making this less confusing.

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