You Have Vitiligo

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Cue silent fascination. He think's it's unique and beautiful but he wouldn't dare comment on it or ask about it. You have caught him staring a few times, at first it made you feel unsure of yourself until you noticed how he would blush when he was caught. Maybe his stare wasn't judgemental. It took every bit of willpower he had to not punch Micah for making a mean comment. Lot's of sketches in his journal, committing each shape and pattern to memory. He would be absolutely mortified if you found them. It's not until the two of you are together and comfortable around each other that he confesses how fond he he is, both of you and your appearance.


Dutch knows what to do and say to get his way so of course he isn't going to mention it. He doesn't mention it for multiple reasons. He doesn't want to offend you, he doesn't want to ruin the possibility of you joining them, and most importantly it doesn't matter. He doesn't care. If you need a place to stay and a family to be a part of, you found it. He does find himself glancing at you from time to time, a simple curiosity that he soon realised was more of an affection that would soon become an infatuation. And once Dutch has his sights set on somebody, it's difficult to talk him out of pursuing them.


Hosea has probably met at least one other person with vitiligo, he may not know the name of the condition or anything like that but he's seen other people with similar skin to you. He has an innocent curiosity but wouldn't dare do anything to offend you. He wouldn't ask any questions until the two of you had become comfortable with each other and developed some level of trust. Then, as long as you are happy to answer, he'll ask his questions, always apologising or making sure that he wasn't overstepping, smiling when you assure him that it's perfectly alright. Hosea gives you more subtle compliments, a passing comment that still manages to make you blush no matter who else was around.


Of course Micah has something to say about it, he has something to say about everything. We already know he has his opinions on people based on the colour of their skin, always the first to comment on it or mock you for it, so he's about to have a field day with you. Still, you somehow manage to get under his skin and he becomes fond of you. The comments stop and he stops talking about it all together. From that moment on he will kick anyone's ass who dares make a comment about you, even though he had done so only weeks beforehand. When you question him, he refuses to admit that he cares. He's drunk when he first tells you that he actually likes it, that it's something he finds unique and therefore attractive to him. He's sober when you ask him if he meant it and he begrudgingly confesses that he did.


You're used to getting a few curious glances from time to time but if you didn't know any better, you would think that Charles didn't notice anything different about your appearance. It was a little strange but also refreshing. The first time he really addresses your unique skin is when you're already together. You're laying together somewhere private, your head resting on his chest as he caresses your back, the two of you speaking softly. Sharing adoring compliments and him admitting how fond he actually is of your skin, as strange as that might sound. You assure him that it doesn't sound strange at all and that you're flattered.


Always the charmer. Javier knows when he likes somebody or when he is attracted to somebody and he knows as soon as he met you. Maybe it's because there was something different about you, because he found it intriguing. But he didn't hold back from laying on the charm and finding reasons to be around you. He compliments you all the time. Once he gets to know you and finds that the two of you have a real connection as well, he's dedicated to making this happen. He'll whisper sweet nothings to you, there is noway you are going to get insecure about your vitiligo with Javier on the case.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora