Arthur Morgan: Make Me Smile

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: It seems that everyone else is more aware of your feelings for Arthur than he is.

Word Count: 2800

Going from a bounty hunter who worked alone to a member of a gang of outlaws was an interesting transition. You were so used to silent nights alone and now your nights consisted of music and people talking over each other. It wasn't that you didn't like your new arrangement, it was just something different that you weren't completely used to yet. You actually quite liked some members of the gang.

You never thought you would join a gang, you had always worked on your own, but you just so happened to run into one of them on a bounty and became rather fond of the man.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You rode up to where the bounty you were tracking was supposedly hiding out, a small cliff by the bank of the Dakota River.

You dismounted your horse and upholstered your gun, the target was apparently a fraudulent salesman so you didn't expect much of a fight but it was always good to be prepared. You walked along the cliff until you came to a little camp.

"Benedict Allbright?" you asked, keeping your gun by your side, when you saw a man sitting at the campfire.

"N-no?" he answered but it sounded more like a question, as he stood from the fire.

"You don't sound too sure about that" your headed tilted to the side, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No" he answered, this time more firmly. "I-I think you got the wrong man" he insisted but he wasn't a very good actor.

"Hmm...ya do look like him though" you looked him up and down, raising the gun at him.

"Are you Benedict Allbright?" a new voice caught the man's attention, making him turn. Your brow furrowed in confusion as you looked over the bounty's target, seeing the new man.

"No, sir..." Allbright shook his head.

"You kinda look like him...and I was told he'd be up here" the new man sounded just as convinced as you. You internally sighed, he was here to collect the bounty as well. "And what's goin' on here?" he asked, looked around the man and at you.

"I don't know. She just came up here and pointed a gun at me!" Benedict told him making you roll your eyes.

"Good God, you're insufferable. C'mon, I'm taking you in" you huffed as you grabbed his hands with ease, considering he had been distracted, and tried them behind his back.

"Miss, it appears that we're both here for the same reason. And that might be a problem" the unknown man pointed out, stepping closer to you both.

"Doesn't have to be a problem. I got here first, I got the bounty, you can walk away" you shrugged.

"I did distract him for you" the man reminded you.

"And I appreciate it" you rolled your eyes. "But I could've managed" you assured him a little sarcastically.

"Come on, we both rode out here. We could share the reward" the man suggested. The bounty in your grasp squirmed, making you tug roughly on his arm to still him. "He's worth $50" he said.

"And you want $25?" you asked, squinting at him.

"That's all I ask" he nodded, raising his hands as if to show that he meant no harm.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat