Charles Smith: Facing the West

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Charles Smith X Female Reader (Arthur's sister)

Summary: After your brother convinces you to leave with Charles, the two of you return to Beaver Hollow to find out what became of the gang.

Word Count: 2500

There was a sombre feeling surrounding the Wapiti reservation after Eagle Flies' death. You, Arthur, and Charles walked through the reservation, finding somewhere quiet to talk that was away from the others, letting them mourn without having to hear the three of you.

"What are they gonna do now?" Arthur asked with a small sigh. You knew that he felt guilty for the young man's death but it wasn't his fault, if anything it was Dutch's fault, getting in his head and manipulating him like that.

"They must move...and fast" Charles told him. "I'll stay and help them" he decided, sounding like he had already made his choice and wasn't going to change his mind.

"Yeah...we'll stay too" Arthur said and you nodded in agreement, the offer to get out of here with Arthur and Charles was just too good to refuse.

"No, my have others who need you. Good people" Charles shook his head, obviously taking Arthur by surprise.

"Charles...we can't leave you" you frowned, this couldn't be how you parted ways.

"There are people back at the camp who need to get away, help them see that" Charles told you. You knew that he was right, that there were people back at the camp that needed to get away to somewhere safe and they needed somebody to encourage them to do that...but did you really have to choose?

"Why do you get to decide what choices we make?" you asked defensively, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Y/n, Charles is right" Arthur sighed, surprising you.

"Arthur..." you turned to your brother, your brow furrowed in confusion.

"Somebody needs to help them but that doesn't have to be you. Go with Charles, I have to get back to the gang" Arthur told you.

"I'm not leaving you either" you shook your head. Why did you have to leave either of them? This...this wasn't fair.

"You've said it yourself, it would be better for everyone to just get out before it's too late. I promise that I'll do everything I can" Arthur promised you but that wasn't what you really wanted to hear.

"Okay, but-" you began to argue before your brother cut you off.

"Y/n, listen to me. You need to get away as well. It's...I'm sick, you know that, it's too late for me" Arthur reminded you, placing his hands on your shoulders.

"Don't say stuff like that" you chastised, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes at his words. You knew that he was sick, you weren't in denial, but you didn't like to think about it. If the world hadn't been so cruel, the camp so harsh on him, he would still be in a must better state right now.

"You know it's true, we all do. I could come with you but I don't think I'd even get too far" Arthur told you what you already knew, even if you didn't like it. "Go with Charles, it's for the best" he encouraged.

"No-" you were interrupted again.

"Yes" Arthur said firmly, getting your attention focused on him. "Please, Y/n...just do this, for me" he was practically pleading at this point.

"...I'll miss you, Arthur" you whispered, knowing that there was no changing his mind now.

"I'll miss you too" Arthur sighed as he pulled you into a hug that you instantly returned.

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