You Blinded After a Being Kidnapped by O'Driscolls

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As soon as Arthur found out that you had been taken by a group of O'Driscolls, he headed out to bring you home safely. He found you with your hands tied behind your back and a blindfold over your eyes. Of course you flinched away from his touch until he shushed you and you recognised his voice. Then he removed the blindfold expecting to see the eyes of the person he loved so much, but that wasn't what greeted him. He froze, unable to believe what he was seeing. A quiet "Arthur?" brought him back into reality. He shushed you again, telling you that everything was going to be fine as he cut through your restraints. He'd help you out of the O'Driscoll camp and back to his horse, sitting you in front of him as he rode back to camp. He loves you no matter what and obviously this doesn't change anything. He'll do whatever he can to help you, to help you learn how to do things now. Once you're healed and you're both becoming more used to this, Arthur makes a poor joke, he says that at least you don't have to see his miserable face anymore. You nearly hit him for it, confessing that you would do anything to be able to see his face again. You both have a little cry and have to comfort each other after that. He feels awful that he let this happen to you, guilty that he wasn't there to prevent it, and his heart just aches when you reassure him that it's not his fault and that you're thankful to have him. All in all, he will always love you, will do anything for you, and will not let you down. He'll be right by your side through all of this.


Of course Dutch goes on the rescue mission, wanting to make sure that he's the first person you see and reminds you that you are safe. Things just didn't turn out like that. As soon as he sees what the O'Driscolls have done to you, he vows to make sure Colm dies. Yes, he already wanted him dead and even more so for having any of his men lay a finger on you, but this was more than he expected to find. But he knows that he has to focus on you right now and then think up a real plan to get rid of Colm for good. He also feels guilty about how this had happened, you lost your sight as a punishment for protecting him and that hurt him. He lifts you up in his arms, promising you that you're going to be just fine and takes you home. While you're healing and even afterwards, he completely dotes on you. While most other members of the gang would highly encourage you regaining your independence, Dutch seems quite happy to have you on his arm all hours of the day. Of course he wants you to regain your independence, his actions just suggest otherwise. It's not his fault he just wants to make sure you're alright and worries about you, he really does think that he is helping. And of course he will help you regain your independence when you express it to him.


Hosea would definitely be on the team that was heading out to bring you home. As soon as they found you, they let Hosea be the one to remove your restraints and assure you that everything was going to be alright. When he goes to remove your blindfold you tried to warn him but your voice cracked, in pain and in mourning of your sight. He shushed and pulled the blindfold away, now seeing why you had been so worried. He apologises quietly, for letting this happen to you, and presses a kiss to your forehead, a silent reassuring gesture. He knows this isn't going to be easy for you but right now you had to get back to the camp. Hosea doesn't want you to worry about anything or push yourself too hard while you are healing. During this time he will certainly dote on you to no end. But once you're healed, he's incredibly supportive and encouraging with helping you regain your independence. It's as important to him as it is to you because he couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult this whole thing has been for you. Of course it can get frustrating and you can become very discouraged but Hosea is always right there to comfort you and pick you, an undying patience that really helps you stay motivated and optimistic. Hosea is patient and knows you're capable but knows it's going to take some time for you to relearn certain skills but he knows you can to it and is along for the journey.

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