Arthur Morgan & Dutch Van der Linde: Better

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Dutch Van der Line X Female Reader
Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Your relationship with Dutch hadn't been good for a long time, you had known that, maybe tried to deny it for a while but you knew. Arthur had grown concerned about how happy you really were but he doesn't know if he should say anything, until he can't ignore it anymore. Will you leave Dutch? Will you realise that Arthur was the perfect man for you? Will the two of you be able stay in the gang knowing who your leader truly is or will you have it in you to leave?

WARNINGS: abusive relationship (physical and mental), abusive!Dutch

This one got really long, I'm so sorry XD

Word Count: 10200

It had only been a matter of time, everyone knew that, before Dutch moved on to his next conquest. Everyone seemed to know this, except for Molly, perhaps she just didn't want to believe it. But it was hard to keep denying when Dutch rode into the camp with you on the back of his horse, introducing you to the gang as a new member.

Of course everyone knew of Dutch's ulterior motive behind bringing you into the gang. You were younger, prettier, and more importantly newer.

It was obvious that you hadn't been aware of what was going on, you hadn't known about Molly when you met Dutch. He was the one constantly flirting with you, even right in front of the poor woman. Unsurprisingly, Molly had snapped at you but you were quick to apologise, confessing that you had no idea Dutch was involved with anyone. If you had known, you never would have encouraged his flirtations, neither of you seemed to question Dutch on it though.

Eventually Dutch ended things with Molly and unashamedly started to pursue you even more. Something didn't feel quite right to you, starting to date Dutch so quickly after his break with Molly, but he was charming and knew all the right things to say. He promised you that Molly wouldn't mind, that they were in the past, and that he only had eyes for you. He told you that you were different, that you were special, that he couldn't keep himself away from you. Dutch would go on to say a lot of things and make a lot of promises, all of which you would one day learn were all just meaningless words.

Dutch treated you like a princess. He had insisted that you did have to work but you wanted to, so he let you. Anything you wanted, he would provide, even when you told him it wasn't necessary. He was attentive and romantic, though he always was at the beginning.

You weren't sure exactly when things started to change, but they clearly had. You used to sit on his lap at the campfire and dance with him to the music coming from his gramophone, he used to have you on his arm nearly every second of everyday, and then he just didn't. He didn't seem to have the time for you. You understood, he was their leader, he was busy, but it was still the start of that void inside your chest.

When Dutch bothered to make the time for you, he wasn't the same. He wasn't romantic or attentive, he was short tempered and uninterested. Well, seemingly uninterested as long as you weren't in his bed, but even that had began to change. His attention had always been so focused on you, putting you before himself, but that was no longer the case. It was very clear that you were there for him, something for him use, not being nearly has considerate as he once was.

Everyone else could see it happening as well. Just like they had seen it happening to Molly, to Annabelle, and even Miss Grimshaw a long time ago. It was a cycle that Dutch seemed stuck in.

When Dutch started neglecting you, leaving you to your own devices rather than showing you off all the time, was when you started to form real friendships with the other members of the camp. You got a long well with the women, all of them accepting you into their little group. You had even formed quite the rapport with some of the men.

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