Hosea Matthews: The Perfect Night

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Hosea Matthews X Female Reader

Summary: Hosea finds himself pining over you but believes that the age difference would be a problem for you, so he keeps it to himself. A hunting trip gone wrong leads to you spending more time together and addressing your feelings.

Word Count: 1700

It wasn't completely uncommon for Hosea to find himself just watching the camp, whether he was making sure nobody was causing trouble or just feeling a sense of pride for what he had helped create. However, these days his attention seemed to be focused on one thing. Whenever his gaze managed to find you, it would stay there. He tried to be subtle and, for the most part, succeeded but he couldn't help but let his gaze longer from time to time.

You had been running with the gang for a little while now, you had proved yourself to be kind to the other members and useful around the camp as well as out of it. You were a good addition to the gang but you were so much more than that.

You were smart, able to hold conversations with Lenny and himself for hours, as will as criticise Dutch's choice in literature in a way that didn't upset him but actually made him consider your valid points. You were kind, always willing to help the other members of the gang, even if you had to work harder or go out of your way. And you were beautiful, something that Hosea could no longer deny.

Hosea had thought that his interest in you had been a simple crush, something that he thought he would be above at this strange in his life, something that he also thought would just fade away. But those feelings didn't disappear, they only grew and became much more serious.

Still, even as he watched you talking and laughing with Mary-Beth, Hosea tried to push those feelings away and focus his attention on something else. So he tried to turn his attention away from your bright smile, shining eyes, and the way you pushed your hair out of your face. But it was pointless, even when he didn't look at you, you manifested in his thoughts.

- - - - -

Hosea was preparing his horse, making sure everything was secured properly and that he had everything he needed.

"You going somewhere, Hosea?" Arthur asked as he wandered over.

"Just hunting" Hosea told him. Pearson had been saying that supplies were running lowing and Hosea took it as an opportunity to just get out of the camp and stretch his legs.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go alone, old man?" Arthur teased.

"I can assure you that I'll be just fine" Hosea answered with a quiet huff. It wasn't uncommon for Arthur and Hosea to playful tease each other, knowing that there was no harm intended but Hosea had been a little touchier about his age recently. How on earth could you ever return his feelings if you only saw him as a useless old man?

"I could go with you, if you'd like" your voice made the two men turn to you.

"Actually, that's a wonderful idea. The company would be appreciated" Hosea suddenly changed his mind about going alone, a smile appearing on his face. Arthur just shook his head at you both before walking away.

"Great, I'll be right back" you smiled before turning and heading back into the camp.

You grabbed everything that you needed before meeting Hosea back at the horses. You both mounted up and rode out of the camp.

The two of you decided to just look for some deer, two should be enough to keep Pearson happy for a while, but you ended up coming face to face a bear that chased you out of its territory. You both just laughed it off, having gotten away unharmed, and continued your search for deer even though you had to find another location.

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