Having a Son Vs a Daughter

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How they would react to having a son Vs a daughter. Would they treat them different? Would the gender matter at all?


Arthur doesn't really raise his children differently depending on their gender. He lets them act how they want to act and is equally protective over them. He doesn't expect his son to have some sort of outlaw instinct and he doesn't care if his daughter wants to play in the mud, he just wants them to have a safe and loving childhood. He just wants them to be happy and safe. To give them the childhood that he, and most other members of the gang, didn't get. He loves them more than life itself no matter their gender.


Either way, this kid is getting spoiled. However, Dutch would show some clear differences in the way he would treat his child depending on their gender. He would see his son as his heir, the one who would take his place once he died or retired, but he would see his daughter more like a princess, the rest of the gang better treat her like royalty but wouldn't want her to get her hands dirty like he would want his son too. And in this case getting their hands dirty is more about teaching his son to be a leader, not to run jobs exactly. Now, if he does have a daughter and she shows interested in being his 'heir' he isn't going to stop her, he would actually be extremely proud, he would just expect it more from a son. Both would be spoilt, the gang expected to take orders from them and respect them.


Hosea wouldn't raise or treat his child any differently based on their gender. He would want to raise them both to be intelligent and well-mannered, but street smart and the last thing from naive. He would also encourage them to follow a better path than the life of an outlaw, encouraging them to pursue education and careers. However, he is aware that the opportunities for women are rather limited during this time period and is absolutely furious about this when he has a daughter. Why on earth should his daughter have to rely on a man that she is probably smarter than? It's not right at all. Definitely wants his son to be a lawyer or something though. Wants his daughter to be the same but knows that it's much less likely, again much to his annoyance and anger. In the end he just wants what is best for his child, no matter what.


When he finds out that he is going to have a child, Micah is very honest about that fact that he wants a son and not a daughter. If he has a daughter, he will be disappointed but soon that little girl becomes his entire world, even if he doesn't like to admit it. Micah does appear to be a believer in traditional gender roles but the idea of his daughter just becoming a man's wife? He doesn't like that at all. He would raise his daughter and son the same, would probably even give his daughter a gender neutral name. Even though he would have a more instinctual expectation for his son to become like him, he hopes that his daughter will and is proud if she does. Neither of his kids would have it very easy, both carrying the expectation of being the next 'Micah Bell', especially his son since he would definitely share the name.


Charles won't treat his child differently depending on their gender. He want the same thing for them either way, for them to grow up to be good people. He wants to give them a happy and loving childhood where they know they are safe and free to be who they are. He will love them equally, not seeing it as something that would have a part in defining their character all that much. Happiness and safety is what is important to him when it comes to his children, whether they are his son or his daughter he's just going to do his best by them no matter what.


It's not a conscious thing but Javier can tend to treat his child differently depending on their gender. He's spend his life as a revolutionary and then an outlaw, a part of him wants his son to grow up more safe and stable than that but another part of him would be proud if he turned out similar to himself. He would admittedly be more protective over his daughter, he can't help it, he doesn't even realise he is doing it. The thought of his daughter on day having to depend on a man disgusts him, no she'll be independent and capable! Though if his daughter started to lean into the revolutionary/outlaw genes, he would feel the same as if she were his son. In the end he would just want them to be happy, moral and independent.

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