Arthur Morgan: It isn't What it Looked Like

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Arthur completely misunderstands a situation and thinks you might be cheating on him, you have to prove him wrong and win back his trust.

Word Count: 2100

With a small huff, tired from the day, Arthur stepped into the saloon, letting the door swing shut behind him. The saloon was busier than he had expected it to be, much to his annoyance. Preferably it would be quite, just letting you two enjoy the peace away from the camp. But as long as he could sit and have a drink with you, it was all fine.

He was sure that you would already be here, and if not he would wait at the bar for you, so he looked around in the hopes to spot you.

Quickly scanning through the small crowd, Arthur ignored all the unfamiliar faces until he found yours. As quick the smile appeared on his face, it fell again. You were standing at the bar, leaning back against it, with a man standing in front of you.

Arthur didn't recognise the man. He appeared to be younger than himself, with neat dark hair, but he couldn't really make out anymore of the stranger's features. What he did notice was how you smiled, rolling your eyes at the man and nodding about something.

The stranger than moved closer to you, stepping to the side slightly and mostly blocking you from Arthur's sight. The man then placed his hands on your hips as he moved closer again.

Unable and unwilling to watch the scene play out any further, Arthur turned on his heel and stormed right back out of the saloon. He could feel his chest tighten, his heart physically hurting at what he had just seen. How could you betray him like this? Or maybe the better question was how could have expected you to only be interested in him?

You rolled your eyes but nodded at the man in front of you. Did he really think that he was being charming? That he was being anything other than irritating and perhaps slightly amusing. He had clearly had a few drinks and had become a little overzealous, so you figured that he was mostly harmless. You had informed him that you were waiting for somebody but that didn't seem to deter him.

When the man shifted closer to you and reached for your hips, you placed your hands on his chest and firmly pushed him away. He stumbled backwards with a grunt, looking a little stunned as you told him to leave you alone and slipped away from him.

The man didn't seem to fight much more, giving up and getting himself another drink. You were thankful for that as you stepped out of the saloon to get some fresh air, deciding to just wait for Arthur outside.

Skipping down the steps that led up to the saloon, you glanced around and spotted Arthur with his horse at the nearby hitching post.

"Arthur! Thank god you're here, I was beginning to get impatient" you smiled playfully as you walked over to him, honestly just happy to see him.

" that what you call it?" Arthur asked with a small scoff, his hostility catching you off guard.

"What do you mean?" you frowned, confused by his question.

"I was a few minutes late so you had to turn to a stranger?" it sounded more like he was accusing you of something rather than asking you something.

"What the hell are you talking about?" you asked, not even mad at him, just utterly confused.

"I saw you with that feller in the saloon" Arthur told you.

"What?" your brow furrowed in confusion. You scanned his face, as if you would be able to read his mind, before realising that he was talking about the drunk back in the saloon. "Oh...Arthur, it wasn't-" you began to explain everything but were cut off.

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