Leopold Strauss: Peace and Quiet

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Leopold Strauss X Female Reader

Summary: Seeking some peace and quiet after a tiring job, avoiding the gang's celebration, leads to unexpected but pleasant company, and then to an unexpected friendship.

Word Count: 1200

Sean had talked your ear off the whole way back to the camp, him on the back of your horse and rambling about what had happened while he was away. Don't get it wrong, you were fond of Sean and found that his cheerful personality could really be a well needed breath of fresh air. But right now, you just needed peace and preferably some sleep.

You, and some other members of the gang, had just been to rescue Sean from the bounty hunters that had captured him down by Blackwater. You were just tired from the fight and wanted to get some rest, some peace and quiet. Maybe even some more mellow company, no offence to the Irishman.

However, when you returned to the camp, the gang decided to throw a party to celebrate Sean's safe return. You knew that you wouldn't be able to get any rest with all of the noise coming from the other members of the gang, you couldn't blame them for wanting to celebrate but you just didn't have the energy for it right now.

So, instead of complaining or suffering through it, you wandered over to the quieter part of the camp, where you saw Strauss sitting by himself. Which wasn't really anything new, especially during parties.

"Herr Strauss" you greeted the quiet man with a small smile. "Do you mind if I join you?" you asked, not wanting to disturb him if he wanted to be alone.

"I suppose not" Strauss shook his head and you gave him another smile as you sat down beside him. "Do you not wish to celebrate with the rest of the gang?" he asked curiously.

"Normally, I might've but not tonight. Getting to Sean and rescuing him from the bounty hunters was tiring. I'd rather just relax for a while" you told him.

"Perhaps you should try to get some sleep, you've been working hard recently" Strauss advised.

"I would but it's too loud, I would never be able too. Anyway, thanks for noticing my efforts" you chuckled quietly to yourself.

"Well...of course I noticed, you've barely sat down over the last couple of days. I do suggest you get some proper sleep" Strauss seemed genuinely concerned and you appreciated that.

"I will...once the gang calms down and it's quiet enough to do so" you assured him and he nodded in understanding, you could never get to sleep with all this noise.

"Well, you're welcome to keep me company. However, I'm not sure how much company I will be" Strauss told you kindly.

"Y'know, a lot of people don't really get you but you shouldn't let that bother you. You aren't bad company, Strauss" you assured him, genuinely meaning it.

"Very well" Strauss nodded, not going to complain if you found his company somewhat desirable.

"Actually, I don't think we've ever really had a chance to talk" you realised. "All I know about you is that you're from Austria, you never mentioned why you came to America or what that was like" you looked at him curiously.

"The story probably wouldn't interest you" Strauss shook his head, making you frown a little bit.

"Try me. I'm willing to listen if you're willing to talk" you promised him.

"Well, alright...I was seventeen when I came to America. We grew up quick in Vienna. Perhaps...too quick. By the age of twelve, my bother was beating night watchmen so he could steal some bread for us. My little sister, Anna...she was sold into servitude by father at the age of nine. We cried so much the day she left" Strauss started his story, looking at you to see if you were even listening. You were, intently in fact.

"Oh...Leopold, I'm so sorry. Wh-what about you?" you asked, wanting to know the rest of his story.

"Me? I had health problems so I got sent with my uncle on the boat to the new world. Oh they imagined...that Brooklyn fog is better for a child's lungs when good Viennese smoke" Strauss could see the irony in their judgement. "Anyway, we sail into the Hudson. The whole city on fire, because of riots due to the war. I believe I have arrived, literally, in Hell. My uncle is so horrified, he promptly drops down dead. And I am all alone in the new world. Oh, how strange fate is" he finished his story.

"Well that is certainly quite the story...tragic but I don't know why you would think that I wouldn't be interested" you gave him a sympathetic smile, not sure what to say but figuring that he had heard it all by now. "And how did you meet Dutch?" you asked.

"I had been running illegitimate scams for years before I met Dutch, he just picked me up and offered me a place in the camp. As he has done with so many others, and you, I assume?" Strauss told you with a small shrug.

"Yeah, I met Dutch when I tried to rob him actually. I thought he was going to kill me when I got caught, instead he gave me a home" you told him.

"How generous of him" Strauss hummed, you just chuckled and nodded in agreement.

You and Strauss talked for the rest of the evening, getting to know each other better. You told him about your life before the gang and after that you both just talked about whatever came to mind. You were enjoying his company and he was enjoying yours. Your conversation only came to an end once the music stopped and you started yawning, Strauss had told you to get some sleep. So you both said your goodnight's, you pressed a light kiss to his cheek, and you retired to your tent for the rest of the night.


The next morning rolled around and you woke up later than you usually do, just glad that you got some good rest. When you stepped out of your tent, you saw that some of the gang were still passed out and some of them were awake but nursing a hangover. Only a few members of the gang seemed to be acting as they usually do.

You grabbed yourself a cup of coffee before noticing Strauss sitting at one of the tables, which is where you headed.

"Good morning, Leopold" you greeted him warmly as you took a seat beside him.

"Guten morgen Liebling" Leopold smiled at you as you sat down. He seemed pleasantly surprised by your presence.

"'Liebling'? That better not be an insult, Strauss" you squinted, obviously only teasing him.

"Of course not. Did you sleep well?" Leopold asked, a fond smile on his face.

"I did, thank you" you flashed him a smile. "Did you?" you asked politely.

"Actually, I did, it's not all that often these days. Thank you for asking" he nodded at you. He seemed more cheerful than his usual self but you didn't think that the change was significant enough for anyone else to notice.

"Anytime" you chuckled softly to yourself.

"When did you two become so friendly?" Bill asked with a small grunt, his head probably pounding from drinking so much the previous night.

"It appears that Y/n and I get along better than one might expect" Leopold told him plainly with a subtle shrug and you just nodded in agreement, smiling, when Bill looked to you for conformation.

"...sure, whatever you say" Bill nodded with another grunt, returning his attention back to his food.

You and Leopold looked at each other, sharing amused but newly affectionate smiles, before you drank from your coffee.


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